Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What Dosedischarge Look Liek

Global Warming

When it's over the last Ice Age?

We still inside. Geographers define an ice age period in the history of the earth where there are polar ice caps.

Our current climate is that of a period 'interglacial'. This term does not mean 'between two ice ages. " It is used to describe the time inside in an ice age in which the ice retreats due to warmer temperatures. "Our" interglacial period started 10,000 years ago, in what we believe to be the fourth ice age.

When will it end, only God knows, the ideas on the duration of the interglacial period ranging from 12000 to 50000 years (without taking account of human influenza). You do not understand fully the causes of these fluctuations. Among the possible factors are the location of continental masses, the atmospheric composition, changes in the Earth's orbit around the sun and perhaps even the same orbit of the sun in the galaxy.

The "little ice age" which began in 1500 and lasted for 300 years, saw the temperature in an average drop of 1 degree Celsius. Also coincided with a period of very low sunspot activity, although it is still debated whether the two phenomena are connected. At that time, the Arctic ice was so extensive to the south that, in six different occasions, the Eskimos in a kayak and reached the Scottish island of Orkney's inhabitants had to reject a bear that had been lost.

Recently, research conducted at the University of Utrecht have linked the Little Ice Age with the Black Death. With the catastrophic decline of Europe's population abandoned fields gradually became covered with millions of trees. This would lead to a significant uptake of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and a subsequent lowering of the average temperature for a "antiserra effect."

From the book:


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