Friday, February 18, 2011

Dog's Testicles Are Purple

The unfaithful husband

The prosecutor has found new information on the case of Khodorkovsky. Turns out, that student, did not return No 3 books in the library of his school. The investigation continues.

I go to a taxi. The taxi driver, talker, talks about life:
- Nice work, that I, no leaders or bosses, I am the master of myself.
I: here, back to the left!

My daughter is 2 years and 6 months. The morning wake up from. He wakes up, starts crying, sitting at edge of the bed! I, silly, I try to calm:
- Nadia, my daughter, what happened to you?
My daughter sobbing
- I dreamed that my husband was unfaithful!

My nephew has 2 years. Sitting on the floor, breaking into pieces is a nylon bag. E 'focused on action, it takes longer to break into small pieces. Then he stops, observes the work of his hands, then emits a sigh of disappointment:
- It is broken, what a pity!

- In a wedding is the bride who is the most important.
- Sure. And the groom can choose among the guests.

work in an office. Call a gentle man:
- Pronto, buon giorno, posso parlare con Liubòv' Stepànovna?
Indovino, cosa può volere l'abbonato, gli dico:
- E' attualmente assente. C'è solo Nadežda Nikolàjevna. Le passo il ricevitore?
Un sospiro pesante:
- E' sempre così... Vuoi dell'amore e c'è solo la speranza. Va bene, niente da fare, mi passi Nadežda Nikolàjevna.
(Nota mia: il nome russo Liubòv' significa "amore", e Nadežda - "speranza")

Cercare un uomo senza difetti può solo una donna senza meningi.

Le donne contemporanee sono irritate, se il marito non abbassa il coperchio del notebook dopo aver navigato nell'internet.

L'unica beautiful thing in the streets in Russia are prostitutes.

told me a friend. His uncle takes a couple of parrots. At parties the uncle always opens the cage and watering the male parrot with sparkling wine. The bird starts talking senz'interruzione, gathered all the fun (so he gives him the wine). When the effect of the sparkling wine is the way, pushing through the parrot on the table, climbs into the neckline of her aunt and tries to sleep there. It seems that the female bird just waiting for the moment - flies out of the cage, the male pulls off the feathers and their two quietly within their box in the cage.
Same as us, human beings!

photos from the portal


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