Sunday, February 20, 2011

Strongest Wood Inthe World

Don Quixote

in a harem:
- because our husband does not visit us anymore?
- has a new passion: the Internet

Going away from work Friday night Monday never know how you get home ...

During the battle with the windmills Don Quixote oversight killed Karlsson.

Right on his job at the zoo was arrested a wealthy accused of corruption
According to documents seized during the search for its maintenance each year were off 14 million rubles!

The writing on the ticket instead of a tram:
- The place of the ticket. I do not occupy otherwise you will become conductor yourself!

A plaque:
E 'prohibited Measuring-input to the building armed. Sorry for the inconvenience causative temporarily. The Administration.

A boy was driving the car of his father and using his license. Once a traffic police stopped him and asked him beyond the technical passport to prove their identity card. Asked surprised:
- Mapperché in his identity card is written Giudovskij Leonid Isràelevich, while the license is Giudovskij Moiséevich Israel?
imperturbatissimo The boy, said,
- you know, we, Jews, and Israel Leonid Isràelevich Moiséevich are the two variations of the same name.
- Massenti! - Respectfully said the policeman, and returned the documents even with a certain reverence.

The process is at the end of the wall, at a distance of 8851 km.

a businessman told me the best of my knowledge.
- once with friends we decided to play on an electronic stock exchange, but do not have to lose nessun'estraneo, and have the enthusiasm. We put in the "common lot" $ each and we got to share in a month the amount in proportion to the money on behalf of the bag. Then I won $ 500.
- Sure, you had a good strategy game?
- Not so good, but better of those of my friends: I was drunk and had forgotten about the account.

Estonians began producing vodka "Standard Estonian." Its action begins 24 hours after having drunk.

to understand that the last glass was superfluous, we must drink it!

"I'm working on a plan dell'asservimento Universe."
"I'm compiling a list for the killer. I've been writing there"
"I'm assembling a nuclear bomb. I miss 500 grams of plutonium.'s You lend me?"
And how you answer the question nell'ICQ "Why do not you sleep?"

- Every time when I go fishing in a UAZ lure, the fish bite every minute, and the silence surrounding. But as soon as I go on a brand new Mercedes, now appear to round women make bathroom next door.
- Although they do their fishing ...

Foreigners buy cameras to film the family, the Russians - to film their spree.


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