23-9-10... Da oggi SanremOnLine.blogspot.com...
I am pleased to introduce the new site
http://sanremonline.blogspot.com/ http://sanremonline.blogspot.com/ is ... Blog, news, chat, facebook, games, ads , weather, and from Sanremo Riviera dei Fiori.
http://sanremonline.blogspot.com/ arises from the successful experience of the Facebook group
"ALL athletes on facebook SANREMO" , which has about 4,500 members and offers Sanremesi the opportunity to discuss the facts of their city, in an absolutely free.
http://sanremonline.blogspot.com/ , in the wake of the Facebook group, is a blog for better understanding of important events in the City of Flowers and raised all that great collection of news about San Remo present today in the network, But rearranging so widespread and involve the individual streets, squares, courses, neighborhoods, fractions.
A new interpretation combined with the usual freedom of expression, che solo un BLOG o un SOCIAL NETWORK possono offrire.
http://sanremonline.blogspot.com/ estende poi la stessa capillarità d'informazione alla Provincia d'Imperia, con le notizie più importanti di
tutti i nostri 67 COMUNI , non dimenticando la cronaca nazionale anche attraverso le tv, i giornali, le radio e i new media.
Mi preme ancora sottolineare che
http://sanremonline.blogspot.com/ affiderà la raccolta della pubblicità locale ad una cooperativa di disoccupati, e presto ti fornirò notizie più dettagliate in merito.
Sperando di farti cosa gradita ti porgo i miei più cordiali saluti.
Luca D’Amore
Mobile 335-5445222 E-Mail
sanremonline@libero.it SanremOnLine.blogspot.com
http://www.sanremonline.blogspot.com/ the opportunity to comment on the news that matters, with all local and national information in seconds and a click away.
You can write your comments to this entry in the BLOG (click on comments in the white box below) and the board of the group FACEBOOK