Wednesday, October 28, 2009

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When the transaction is secure?

Yet when you use a credit card for transactions at a distance, usually on the Internet:
1. Utilis search engines to verify the reliability of the online store;
2. Verify that a physical address and telephone to identify the company. Be careful, better to be cautious if it is just a phone or e-mail;
3. Make sure when you enter credit card information to purchase the transaction is secure: The browser should display a small padlock in the bottom left corner and the bar of the web address should be https instead of http;
4. No answer or do not click on an e-mail asking you to enter personal information or credit card, even if they seem come from your bank. If in doubt, contact the bank in advance to verify the authenticity of the communication received.

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1. Do not throw receipts of purchases or transactions at ATMs;
2. verify that the statement arrives regularly every month (which could be subtracted from the mail box) or force the use of online current account;
3. monitor well and on time the bank statement. In the event of suspicious transactions immediately inform the card issuer;
4. If you use a cash machine for cash, pay attention to any evidence of strange behavior or possible suspects other people
5. If you experience problems with the ATM, do not accept help from strangers, even if it pretends to be the bank. If so, please report the problem
6. when you notice the theft or loss, quickly call the number for the block.

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How to strike the fraud

How to strike the fraud
Here is a list of best practices needed to prevent the rip-off:
1. sign the card on the back as soon as we receive;
2. Pin the store - the secret code is required to use the card - should not be left in the paper and no one should cognoscendi;
3. be sure not to be seen when you enter the Pin;
4. not to lose vista la carta personale durante i pagamenti, se il terminale POS non è in vista, e se l'operatore fa molti passaggi della carta;
5. prima di firmare la ricevuta di vendita verificare che l'importo sia corretto.

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Another type of fraud

Un altro tipo di frode è il furto dei dati della carta di credito da utilizzare in seguito per le operazioni a distanza: internet, telefono e vaglia postali. Tecniche con nomi difficili, anche in questo caso: hacking, phishing, boxing, trashing. Che vanno dalla violazione delle banche dati, utilizzo di Internet o di posta elettronica creati apposta, la rimozione del conto corrente della cassetta postale, o la copia dei dati da ricevute di carte di credito sono persi o sprecato.

In breve, la combinazione delle tecnologie disponibili e delle azioni umane stanno iniziando ad andare al di là delle normali capacità cognitive. Come dovrebbe essere in una società complessa. L'industria si evolve a grande velocità, e questa piccola lista non diventeranno rapidamente obsoleti

What To Do If Iud Is Wrongly Placed

Pier Luigi Torreggiani, a forger matriculated

Chi di voi non conosce l'indegno personaggio che risponde al nome di Pier Luigi Torreggiani e che, protetto da illustri disinformatori come Mario Tozzi , diffonde sul Web notizie false e diffamanti al solo scopo di screditare i gestori di questo blog ed il Comitato Tanker Enemy.

un'altra uscita del mirabolante geologo, aspirante emulo di Bario Tozzi : Pier Luigi Torreggiani tries again, heedless of complaints lodged against him. This putrid individual is continually inventing nonsense undaunted. Now he wants to seem to be in possession of a sound file recorded in an imaginary, nonexistent park near our house.

The mischievous neighborhood offers an online password-protected compressed file, which, he asserts, will provide key access to those who request it. Perhaps he was inspired by the four policemen who, educated by intelligence agencies, have caught the governor of Lazio, Piero Marrazzo? The modus operandi is the same, except that the registration does not exist. Most likely the file is packed full of documents that have nothing to do.

I dare you, despicable Torreggiani, to make available all the ghostly audio recording. We analyze the file and see what you managed to arrabattare. This is a fake, a simulation and you know it! The audio frequencies are like fingerprints and is easy to understand that this is another hoax that may discredit the committee groped . Or have you made a montage? And if so, sei sicuro di riuscire a passarla liscia?

In ogni caso, anche questa tua malefatta verrà aggiunta al già corposo dossier in possesso della Magistratura.

Ricordiamo che i disinformatori sono abituati a creare testi e documenti falsi per calunniare e tentare di delegittimare i ricercatori indipendenti e le persone scomode al regime.

Attacco all'informazione CLICCA QUI


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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

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false email sent on behalf of the European Tanker Enemy

An e-mail message, on behalf of the National Committee Tanker enemy, was sent to some members and readers of our blog using a service of anonymity ( ). We feel that this is a false designed to discredit the committee and to describe its founding as a cunning and greedy individuals. diffidino readers of all communications in calling for contributions of money or where you have projects absurd and illegal.

Obviously, we reserve the right to file yet another complaint to the police post.

Here is the ranting and rambling text:

X-Originating-IP: [ ]} On October 7, 2009 17:20 , wrote:

sending this email to you and to all participants, and supporters of Tankerenemy.

As you know well, my brother Anthony and I, we are exposing more and more everyday for the sake of recognition the issue of chemtrails. By now it has become for us a work visa that follow from the blog, make movies, manage your webhosting do not have more time for us.

with this letter I would like to ask you if you were \\ 's agreement to open a bank account in which the concrete to support your cause. Just too little. The c / c would be payable on behalf of the Committee Tankerenemy and the account holder would be Antonio and I, and as Vice Chairman of the Committee.

Only with the achievement of a fair amount you would think to buy instruments for all \\ 'investigation of condensation. Our idea was to rent an airplane, Piper or Cessna, and take us high above San Remo. Once you find a chemical trail my brother and I, by the side door, the collection of samples and data. Only then can we prove, once for all that poison us every day with data in hand!

I want to know also your opinion as members of the Committee. Appearance Vs


Rosario and Antonio Marciano
National Committee Tanker Enemy

Art 494 Impersonation

Whoever, in order to provide to himself 'or other benefits or to cause other damage, induces someone in error, replacing its unlawfully another's person, or if giving in 'or other a false name, or a false state, or a quality to which the law gives legal effect, shall be punished, if the act does not constitute another crime against the public trust, with imprisonment up to one year.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Blueprints To A Computer Deck

Testimony of a civilian pilot on Chemtrails

publish the testimony of a civilian pilot about chemtrails: are statements made to the administrator of the site There is no reason to assume that the note is not authentic. It demonstrates not only the spread of toxic contrails in the skies of Germany (as elsewhere), but also the unusual flight maneuvers which forced the pilots of civil air carriers to avoid cross in the corridors reserved for air tankers. We call on civil and military pilots, engineers, meteorologists, and the crew of the towers control etc. to follow the German example insider. We guarantee anonymity and confidentiality to those who decide to provide information about the clandestine and illegal chemical and biological aerosols.

Watching the issue of chemtrails for the work of two C-17 Globemaster cargo to 6,000 m high over Germany

Introduction to the story of the pilot

The curator of this homepage ( - ed) has met the 'insider few months ago. At some point in our conversation I asked all’interlocutore quale fosse la sua attività professionale. Solo dopo un po’ di insistenza, ha ammesso che lavora come co-pilota nella cabina di pilotaggio di un aereo commerciale. Ho portato delicatamente il tema verso le chemtrails , chiedendo se fosse al corrente di questo termine e dell’ipotesi che si trattasse di scie di “condensa” artificiali o appunto chimiche. Dopo un po’ di esitazione ha risposto: “ Sì, qualcosa ho letto in Internet ”. Dopo aver messo in chiaro di essere il redattore della Homepage di e di voler sapere in che modo valutava questo problema e che cosa avesse eventualmente osservato dalla cabina di pilotaggio, mi ha raccontato quanto segue:

“Inizialmente avevo i miei dubbi sugli argomenti esposti in quegli articoli che trattano delle scie chimiche in Internet e circa la corrispondenza tra questi dati ed i fatti, ma poi ho sperimentato di persona qualcosa che mi ha convinto che sono sostanze chimiche diffuse per qualche motivo e che formano quelle “scie di condensa” persistenti (non sempre, n.d.r.) che chiamano “ chemtrails “.

Non avevo mosso obiezioni durante la nostra conversazione e volevo chiarire alcuni dettagli. Ho chiesto al pilota, qualche settimana dopo, un resoconto più preciso della sua esperienza.

Riporto di seguito in forma letterale. his description written on 17/08/2009. Only the headers are listings editorial comments added are reported as such.

Strange instructions climb (up) through the work of the control tower

"After takeoff from Frankfurt, we were in the rate of climb north of Nuremberg. It was 14:00. The visibility was very good: do not pass through clouds of any kind. That day in Germany was very airy high pressure extended.

exceed about 11-12000's feet, we pass to the next area radar that gives the green light for further ascent. These permits are regulated fairly generous. So the 'Radar Monaco' gives us the green light plane flight FL250, or 25,000 feet on. That day, however, did not happen. The go-ahead following the case in steps of 1,000 feet. The first warning of the controller was " climb 14,000 feet" ("up to 14,000 feet", ed.) The next "is climb to 15,000 feet ," the other " climb 16,000 feet."

We knew there had to be drivers who were above us along the same route but rose more slowly than we would like to do us, or because they could not or because non volevano.

Sul cosiddetto T.C.A.S. (Traffic Collision and Avoidance System), uno strumento di controllo con cui si osserva lo spazio aereo intorno al proprio velivolo, notavamo un traffico alla nostra destra e un po’ più in basso rispetto a noi. Visto che il tempo era buono, cercavamo di vedere il traffico che doveva esserci sopra di noi. Non tardò a presentarsi.

Due aerei cargo del tipo Globemaster C-17 rilasciano chemtrails dal profilo alare

Si notava un imponente velivolo da trasporto Globemaster C-17 a 18.000 piedi (6.000 m). Basandoci sulle nostre osservazioni with TCAS, we suspect that cross another aircraft of the same type a few miles back to the same altitude. We could not frame it, but I'm sure there was a second plane. We could instead see was a big wake behind the aircraft. At this altitude and this season was not a phenomenon to be expected. Planes that flew much higher and still not release trails clearly visible. He must have been a dispersion of substances not usually explained by the release of exhaust of conventional engines.

(Added Red.: During the previous conversation I had asked if the wakes of engine-off from C-17 Globemaster. The witness answered: " Certainly no . So obviously the substances came from special nozzles at the edges of the airplane wing.

Other observations of the pilot about the increase in chemtrail

In my professional life (pilot ed) I realized that these sprayings have increased considerably in recent years. I have observed throughout the summer of 2009, the operations of spreading " layers of fog and especially at altitudes between 18,000 and 35,000 feet (6,000 / 12.000m).

How to distinguish the top the mist produced by chemical trails of condensation from the fog

is often not easy to distinguish a trail of condensation from a chemical trail. Every day I see planes at high altitudes, sometimes close to each other, where the routes intersect. In these cases, we can recognize as good a trail as a trail of condensation and chemistry. It can be distinguished by their behavior in the air. While a trail of condensation is light and thin and evaporates quickly (without a trace - ed), chemtrails are heavy, compact and almost lazy. Also behave accordingly. It happens to leave an airport in the morning where they were released chemtrails. Returning hours later, we find them still there and have become a gray veil, while around il tempo è diverso.

Aumento massiccio delle scie chimiche in quota

Quando ci troviamo in volo, attraversiamo, talvolta per ore, aeree di nebbie alte (chimiche, n.d.r.). Ho compiuto spesso questa osservazione ovvero che ci sono sempre di più irrorazioni e sempre più pesanti. Non posso fornire delle prove, ma vedo le cose in questo modo.

Ulteriori note all’intervista a voce

Fin qui il racconto del pilota. E’ importante notare che alla quota indicata (18.000 piedi, che corrispondono a circa 6000 metri di altezza) le contrails (le scie di condensazione normali) non possono formarsi, come dimostrava d'altronde the rest of air traffic. So it was an action of deliberate spraying of chemtrails by two cargo planes.

also said that the pilot's communications control center for flight with planes spraying took place on a completely different radio frequencies and those allocated to airliners.

This suggests that the aircraft had a chemical "treatment" different from the liner (probably because of the privileged orders from above) and should be known to those responsible for control towers that they are special flights for the change in atmospheric . It is not surprising that employees of the control tower or location do not give (or will not or can not give) answers to these flights, once they are asked to provide information.

However, asked to answer questions from a Swiss journalist, some riders have admitted that such flights were not recorded in official logs.

not surprising that, faced with so much secrecy and denial in the face of chemtrails at all levels, our politicians, weathermen, etc.. can continue to lie still, denying Flights chemical or groped for citing weak arguments to deny this reality.

Link to the original text

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thank XXX per la traduzione.