Friday, December 18, 2009

Clothing Store Interest In Fashion Resume

I, GEO (Global Evil OrganizZation), misinformation INPDAP

Monday, December 14, 2009

Toddler Has Creamy Poop

Michele Gallons: not suitable

finds interesting things on the site in relation ARPAV disinformation to Hanmi, aka Michael Gallons (CICAP) :

A luglio:



A Settembre:

Collaborazioni esterne e consulenze


9 MESI 13.500,00 n.524 del 29/09/2009 ( CO.CO.CO. tipo Junior ) ^_^

Curioso... risulta che, un mese dopo il conferimento dell'incarico, prova già il:

Concorso pubblico per n. 1 posto di Coadiutore Amministrativo Esperto, cat. B – livello economico Super (Bs), a tempo pieno ed indeterminato.

Esito della prova ORALE, svolta il giorno 29/10 2009: GALLONI MICHELE 28/50 NON IDONEO . Il documento pdf è stato già fatto sparire dalla Rete e se ne trovano tracce solo su Google.

Divertente, no? Un esperto di analisi di campioni d'acqua, provocatore del C.I.C.A.P., COCOCO tipo Junior, che si spaccia per esperto di tutto e che si fa bocciare ad una prova orale. Avesse studiato di più, anziché scrivere corbellerie ed insulti on his blog and not just junk ...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sliding Gate For Deck

The fatal hour of Achilles son of Peleus

One of the long ostracized by misinformation on the Net, refers to the estimated share of an airplane compared to the clouds. At this point it is clear that anyone with a minimum of intellectual honesty, can only admit certain evidence, but we know very well that the servants of the regime in charge of denying the existence of chemtrails, can not recognize that there are planes that download tons of metal particulates (and more) at 2,000 meters above sea level, as this will remove the already fragile castle of lies to try to push for chemtrails the contrails of airliners at high altitude (meters 8/13.000).

There are several methods to estimate the height of flight of a chemical tanker, but in my opinion, the assessment to cloud formations (unless they have already been destroyed) is represented by the observation of clouds by lovely time, ie heaps . As already explained on other occasions, the piles are located at altitudes between 800 and 2,300 meters and, unless you intend to deny this fact verified and confirmed by all the texts of meteorology, we know that if a plane to fly ' inside, just below or just above a cloud of fine weather, there is certainly crossing at 9,000 meters above sea level! The

sblendido Francis Sblendorio Murdock aka Nico (CICAP), already in March 2009 tried to remove this irrefutable fact, manipulating a video sequence and passing it off as a frame of Tanker Enemy shown at a news conference. At the end of this conference, the purveyor of suckers for the courses of CICAP said the plane appeared above the mounds and not in myself, and then lied, because the plane was quite evidently (according to him), for miles above the heap. This ridiculous claim has no empirical basis, because if a plane really had a 5 / 6 km above the small mound, which is logical, it should not only stand out more in detail with the naked eye, but could even be seen!

E 'established that, if the aerosol operations are interrupted for a day or two, no longer able to see a single plane (with or without a trail). The case for civil traffic stops completely in that time frame? Certainly not. Simply aircraft flying at FL380 (38,000 feet) can not be foreshortened.

In any case, although in many video footage and photos, you can literally watch planes come in, like an arrow through an apple, inside the mounds, the uninformed deny to the bitter end. Are evident bad faith and their strong sfrontatezzza. In fact they have a very low estimate of the reader, imagining that he is deficient. Their detachment from reality is total and perhaps have entered so deeply into the part that now even they themselves know to be the most infamous liars. Perhaps returning to itself only later this month, when receiving the pay for their ... work. Maybe.

Another aspect on which the charlatans often play consists of a common feature of the camera lens. At this point, you should open a parenthesis on technical photographic lenses.

"These are the objectives, is important to understand the concept of focal length: This feature, in millimeters, is the distance between the center of the lens and the film surface. When a target is said to be a 35mm or 200mm , it refers to its focal length . The LF affects proportionally the size of the object being photographed . Doubling the LF (using a longer lens), will double the magnification of the subject and vice versa. It uses the expression 'a focal normal' a goal with which the subject is reproduced on the film of the same size as seen with the naked eye . In units that use film 24x36mm, the focal Normal is around 46mm, which corresponds then to a 50mm fixed lens (no targets 46). Those below this value are defined wide-angle lenses (wider cover shots, but "away " the subject), above, refers to telephoto ".

Most of the machines cameras available on the market (and also to Wasp ) has a significant feature in our case, that leaves the person who appears more distant than it appears to the human eye. For this reason, if, for example, using my camera Panasonic, I intend to frame the subject to the same size that are to the naked eye, I increase the zoom factor to 7X. If I bring the zoom to zero, the subject back to leave, therefore, more distant than it actually is. The Achilles son of Peleus (Wasp) uses in bad faith, this "deceit" resolution: he, with irritating complacency, commenting in his usual way my surgery on November 9, Blog Tanker Enemy, this photo shows:

He expressed himself as in his very rough prose:

" And then he complains, and goes to denounce me, if I say it's a fake, a liar and a fool?? Go ahead: we'll have a flood of laughter when we have to show tests. [...]. In the picture, perhaps, does not distinguish well that the trail is' far above the heaps but I view I still have very good and it was obvious from the truth. Moreover, overlapping are so low that if a plane really went in there was it would surely be the height of Verezzo crashed! .

Wasp ignores or pretends to ignore that the planes have yoke that allows them to climb, descend, turn, but other than that, notice how the Achilles' exploits the characteristic of the 35 mm (which distance the subject) to induce nell'ignaro reader the idea that his false statements to be rather untrue. This is the method of forgery and one should not forget him.

Wasp admitted that the piles are really low. E 'already one step ahead of the statements of his colleagues and this video, filmed on November 9, 2009, we put a tombstone on the lies of disinformation turn.

not end here, because even officially, the brush (Centre forecast Assonautica Imperia - Porto Sole Sanremo) comes out in forecast of 20 November 2009 and states "In share is a bit 'moist air, we see it ... um ... from these clouds medium-high and also by some contrail aircraft , leave this morning, just to moist air at high altitudes and cold rather ... "

The modus operandi of the same brush and adopting its worthy comrades. In fact, he is abusing his privileged position and his usurped authority obtained, despite the ignorance of the matter) to tell lies, strong that no one even bother to check.

a) day 20, 12:00 am, the humidity at sea level was 35%, while in 8,000 meters of altitude did not exceed 57% . Not only that, the temperature at the same altitude (8,000 m) was -37 ° Celsius, while at 2,000 meters was 10 ° Celsius above zero! We know (source NASA, FAA, USAF, etc..) That a contrail can (sometimes) train (and not persist for hours) if the temperature is below 40 degrees Celsius below zero and if the 'humidity is above 72% .

b) To be able to witness the carnage of November 20, highlighted by this satellite photo, which humidity and temperature should be? Certainly we should have the oversaturation and that we should have values \u200b\u200bof more than 150% humidity!

c) As already written, and demonstrated with this movie and others available on our channel , those aircraft that poses as Brush airliners, military aircraft are flying at an altitude of piles and then to altitudes above 6,000 meters (allotments for military aircraft). As it happens ... at what altitude the values \u200b\u200bhygrometric literally collapse? As shown by the radiosonde, the moisture passes from the already paltry 30% to 9% of the 1,000 meters at altitudes between 2,300 and 3,800 meters. What an incredible coincidence! Is by no means fortuitous that disperse elements hygroscopic arisen to its drastic reduction of atmospheric flight altitudes of aircraft Chimchar and feedback, remember, are a constant each time that the aerosol operations become heavy on a particular area.

On the sidelines of the foregoing, it is important to highlight a wide region around the province of Imperia, and the lower Piedmont area of \u200b\u200bsea between Corsica and Liguria, are affected by frequent military activities of unidentified nature, as evidenced in this pdf document and in this note in the portal

" Who wants to go to Sardinia route involving the coast of Corsica must pay particular attention . All from Italy to ULM through the airspace over must have filed the flight plan, as required by law. The unknown traffic will be forced to land and will face the legal consequences provided. Particular attention will be held in crossing the area of \u200b\u200bmilitary air base SOLENZARA , always asking permission via radio. The FAX number to send the flight plan is that of Bria (office regionale Traffico aereo) di Ajaccio 0033 495 235 969. Informiamo che i militari di Solenzara sono particolarmente infastiditi dalle continue violazioni del loro spazio pertanto non prendete la cosa alla leggera potrebbero confiscarVi l'aereo e farvi fare qualche giorno di prigione ".

Non è casuale che, come mostrato da questa immagine (SCREENSHOT RADAR AIRNAV), durante le ore di massiccia attività clandestina di aerosol su questa ampia area, gli aerei di linea (quelli regolari)... girino alla larga e non è casuale il fatto che gran parte degli aerei, che si dirigono su Sanremo, provenga da direzione SUD/SUD-EST. Alcuni di questi velivoli decollano dall'aeroporto corso di Travo a nord di Solenzara?

In conclusione, Achille Pennellatore (vogliamo, con simpatia, chiamarlo Wasp?) mente in modo spudorato e bisogna ammettere che, dal suo esitante tono di voce, si comprende bene che è consapevole delle bugie che ammannisce ad i fruitori (non solo sul suo blog cloaca, evidentemente). Il Pelide Achille non è l'unico a mentire, in questo periodo. L'elenco di coloro che ingannano per una poltrona, si allunga di giorno in giorno: di alcuni fra costoro abbiamo anche mostrato i volti , cosicché, un giorno, quando i nodi verranno al pettine, in molti sapranno nome, cognome e facce di coloro che si sono complicit in genocide. They will eventually have to pay the penalty.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Rogers Online Protection Review

Lies Si (n) one Angioni

What remains of the "chemtrails"?!
Published Thursday, August 20, 2009 at 18:43 by Simone Angioni

After The Gay Science also Superquark deals sbufalare chemtrails in the service dedicated to the course for investigators Cicap [1].

The service was broadcast last night as well as paranormal has also dealt extensively with the problem of bee die-off, other event Some conspiracy theorists have mistakenly attributed to international government conspiracy.

So what remains today chemtrails to 14 years after the birth of this theory? There remains a handful of supporters, scattered around the world, spend their days dealing with more of "disinformation" rather that of the trails that they say would be harmful.

This is what happened a few days ago when the Committee Tanker Enemy, after refusing every offer of cooperation, dialogue and engagement with an endless series of insults (sic), has succeeded in filming random people on the street (sic), accusing then the Cicap of being the instigator of an unspecified act of espionage. Perhaps in this period of low attention of the Committee of the guys are looking for some Tanker Enemy 'advertising and hope to have it by attacking the most visible groups or perhaps they really believe that anyone in this world is coordinated by the hidden powers and that no one ever takes own initiative?

Rosario [...] I can not believe you're really convinced that the people who take Cicap ago by the public in his lectures and sent to guard the homes of 500 plots with a gaudy striped

Simone Angioni , coordinatore del C.I.C.A.P. per la città di Pavia, arrivista e spregiudicato come nelle migliori tradizioni dei componenti del suddetto comitato, si diletta nella manipolazione di alcuni fatti a vantaggio dei suoi colleghi disinformatori ed in appoggio alle azioni, palesemente in violazione della legge sulla privacy, dell’amico, nonché collaboratore del C.I.C.A.P., Francesco Sblendorio - Nico (regolarmente denunciato alle autorità competenti).

La balzana e mendace tesi di Angioni e soci si concretizza nell'affermazione, secondo cui il sottoscritto avrebbe ripreso un cittadino a caso per strada, accusando poi ingiustamente di violazione della privacy un fiancheggiatore del famigerato Comitato di barbogi, creato da
Piero Angela e del quale la R.A.I., che dovrebbe essere servizio pubblico, si fa cassa di risonanza per la disinformazione.

Peccato che le menzogne di Simone siano immediatamente smentite da molti elementi oggettivi che non lasciano la minima ombra di dubbio. Basta, infatti, visitare il sito Web del C.I.C.A.P. per sincerarsi di persona che il temerario Sblendorio è uno… di famiglia all’interno del comitato. Notiamo che a questa pagina in which you promote the new courses (full course: Euro 600), appears in full view of the beautiful bearded Sblendorio nice big face, and if we look at the background out of focus, we see those? The friend Kash, aka Marco Capuzzo that, even take a joke, on his Facebook profile, is disguised by its Taliban! Kash is known to be a disinformation also very active in the field of chemtrails. It was also present at the conference in Milan in which I was rapporteur. He gave a hand to fellow snacks Sblendorio and the well-known Paul Attivissimo (CICAP). Together with them they became stars almost all components of CICAP and, simultaneously, promoters of misinformation Count them on the Net. Look at how many disinformation on the Net

Marco Capuzzo (Kash) Coincidence? Not really, since at this page , in which there is a large gallery of pictures, still displayed the splendid Sblendorio, in a macho attitude, complete with a card in the chest and ... that incredible combination, Andrea Salsi (Darkskies ), coordinator of the group CICAP Emilia Romagna, omnipresent frequenter of "workshops", "conference", etc.., always at the heels of Attivissimo, already present at the conference in Milan in disguise (pretending to be any one of the audience - typical strategy - had sitting in a corner apart from there babbling and migration of spiders) sulle scie chimiche e qui ritratto mentre documenta, come d’abitudine, uno dei convegni del C.I.C.A.P. Salsi si intravede anche dietro Sblendorio, nella foto succitata. Darkskies, storico infiltrato nel forum di, fu lo scandalizzato (che simulatore!) personaggio che si lamentò poiché era stato defraudato dal sottoscritto della foto ritraente una scia chimica (le scie chimiche hanno un copyright?). Argomento che fu ripreso prontamente dalla guardia svizzera, Paolo Attivissimo, per un suo articolo nel quale, come al solito, l’oggetto di varie diffamazioni e calunnie era chi scrive.

Su quell’episodio, peraltro basato sulla quasi omonimia an image file (it was a photograph taken by two cameras and then the same sequence with similar and for that I exchanged for one of my present in the archive), was built one of the many campaigns to discredit coordinated infiltrated the forum, researchers in artificial chemtrails phenomenon and Attivissimo. In practice, for them I'd be a thief in the images. Incidentally, some "information" had always provided first-hand the hunter to "buffalo" (almost always from Barbarella) and then pretending to be incidental findings. In practice, the infiltration of turn creates the "casus belli", then click the trap and the public pillory media, transactions in which an active and professional.

Darkskies, che ora ha cambiato il nick in MarcoVi, ha un suo blog dove, quando può, diffama il sottoscritto ed il Comitato Tanker Enemy. Sarebbe interessante sapere come sia possibile che un oscuro blogger qualsiasi, possa permettersi un telescopio del genere ( qui il modello sul sito del produttore) allo scopo dichiarato di “sbufalare” (odioso termine in uso tra i disnformatori) le scie chimiche. Chi finanzia certe spesucce?

Non è un caso se il nostro video di risposta alla becera puntata di “Superquark” è stato rimosso più volte e su diversi canali di You-Tube, nonostante non fossero state compiute violazioni ai termini del contratto di alcun genere. Questo avviene, perché se è il C.I.C.A.P. che ordina, lo staff You-Tube esegue, senza esitazioni. Sul loro canale si trova di tutto, ma provate a far rimuovere qualcosa.

Angioni afferma che il C.I.C.A.P. non c’entra nulla con le attività dei vari disinformatori, ma nell’entourage del Comitato italiano per il controllo per le affermazioni sul paranormale fanno bella mostra diverse “facce”, riconoscibili anche nella puntata di Superquark dedicata al C.I.C.A.P. (che casualità, vero?). Tra queste riconosciamo Alex Falcone, who is also very eager to publish articles garbage on his blog cloaca, which have a consolidated approach to discredit and slander against their arch enemy, Rosario Marciano.

Then, we summarize.

Francis Sblendorio, very ordinary Italian citizen with aspirations to be histrionic, engages in a sightseeing tour, accompanied (by car) from his worthy appears Wasp (disinformation posted in Arma di Taggia) to perform unauthorized shots of my home. E ', according Angioni and others, a chance that Sblendorio was there. We feel, however, strange that the car has been used by Sblendorio noleggiata proprio dal C.I.C.A.P., come appurato da alcune ricerche e d’altronde Sblendorio poteva benissimo partire da Torino per visitare il Casino di Sanremo o Porto Sole e non si comprende quale particolare attrattiva turistica potesse rappresentare il quartiere di Baragallo, uno dei più squallidi della "città dei fiori".

Alcuni mesi fa, evidenziammo un collegamento tra il C.I.C.A.P. (il video di MarkoGts al secolo Marko Germani e nel quale la voce fuori campo è quella di Steno Ferluga , esponente del C.I.C.A.P.) ed i ciarlatani disinformatori. Era solo la prima delle tante tracce che poi sono divenute certezze, avvalorate da decine di nuovi riscontri.

The Committee misinformation decided long ago to deal with (mandated services) of chemtrails and to do so, he has recruited a ' armata Brancaleone that, through blog, movies and field activities (see Wasp and its trans defamatory blog with raids photo of our house), try to put a stop to the progressive power of knowledge to the question "scie chemical "through slander and discredit. wasted effort, because the tide rises and speaks of the four cats Angioni, are, however, a rising tide and overwhelm them.

Angioni and the others are just small fish and as such will be roasted on the grill at the appropriate time. Other, higher than them, do not dare put his face and promise them fulminating career. Too bad that we will only defeat fulminant Of this small, insignificant servants of the regime. All.

[1] We did not correct the blunders of that Boeotian Si (n) one Angioni. He does not know, for example, that is not spelled "what" but "what." Then, recalling that other solecism, that is "more of disinformation rather than chemtrails."

Nico scrive sul blog di Simone Angioni...

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

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When the transaction is secure?

Yet when you use a credit card for transactions at a distance, usually on the Internet:
1. Utilis search engines to verify the reliability of the online store;
2. Verify that a physical address and telephone to identify the company. Be careful, better to be cautious if it is just a phone or e-mail;
3. Make sure when you enter credit card information to purchase the transaction is secure: The browser should display a small padlock in the bottom left corner and the bar of the web address should be https instead of http;
4. No answer or do not click on an e-mail asking you to enter personal information or credit card, even if they seem come from your bank. If in doubt, contact the bank in advance to verify the authenticity of the communication received.

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1. Do not throw receipts of purchases or transactions at ATMs;
2. verify that the statement arrives regularly every month (which could be subtracted from the mail box) or force the use of online current account;
3. monitor well and on time the bank statement. In the event of suspicious transactions immediately inform the card issuer;
4. If you use a cash machine for cash, pay attention to any evidence of strange behavior or possible suspects other people
5. If you experience problems with the ATM, do not accept help from strangers, even if it pretends to be the bank. If so, please report the problem
6. when you notice the theft or loss, quickly call the number for the block.

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How to strike the fraud

How to strike the fraud
Here is a list of best practices needed to prevent the rip-off:
1. sign the card on the back as soon as we receive;
2. Pin the store - the secret code is required to use the card - should not be left in the paper and no one should cognoscendi;
3. be sure not to be seen when you enter the Pin;
4. not to lose vista la carta personale durante i pagamenti, se il terminale POS non è in vista, e se l'operatore fa molti passaggi della carta;
5. prima di firmare la ricevuta di vendita verificare che l'importo sia corretto.

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Another type of fraud

Un altro tipo di frode è il furto dei dati della carta di credito da utilizzare in seguito per le operazioni a distanza: internet, telefono e vaglia postali. Tecniche con nomi difficili, anche in questo caso: hacking, phishing, boxing, trashing. Che vanno dalla violazione delle banche dati, utilizzo di Internet o di posta elettronica creati apposta, la rimozione del conto corrente della cassetta postale, o la copia dei dati da ricevute di carte di credito sono persi o sprecato.

In breve, la combinazione delle tecnologie disponibili e delle azioni umane stanno iniziando ad andare al di là delle normali capacità cognitive. Come dovrebbe essere in una società complessa. L'industria si evolve a grande velocità, e questa piccola lista non diventeranno rapidamente obsoleti

What To Do If Iud Is Wrongly Placed

Pier Luigi Torreggiani, a forger matriculated

Chi di voi non conosce l'indegno personaggio che risponde al nome di Pier Luigi Torreggiani e che, protetto da illustri disinformatori come Mario Tozzi , diffonde sul Web notizie false e diffamanti al solo scopo di screditare i gestori di questo blog ed il Comitato Tanker Enemy.

un'altra uscita del mirabolante geologo, aspirante emulo di Bario Tozzi : Pier Luigi Torreggiani tries again, heedless of complaints lodged against him. This putrid individual is continually inventing nonsense undaunted. Now he wants to seem to be in possession of a sound file recorded in an imaginary, nonexistent park near our house.

The mischievous neighborhood offers an online password-protected compressed file, which, he asserts, will provide key access to those who request it. Perhaps he was inspired by the four policemen who, educated by intelligence agencies, have caught the governor of Lazio, Piero Marrazzo? The modus operandi is the same, except that the registration does not exist. Most likely the file is packed full of documents that have nothing to do.

I dare you, despicable Torreggiani, to make available all the ghostly audio recording. We analyze the file and see what you managed to arrabattare. This is a fake, a simulation and you know it! The audio frequencies are like fingerprints and is easy to understand that this is another hoax that may discredit the committee groped . Or have you made a montage? And if so, sei sicuro di riuscire a passarla liscia?

In ogni caso, anche questa tua malefatta verrà aggiunta al già corposo dossier in possesso della Magistratura.

Ricordiamo che i disinformatori sono abituati a creare testi e documenti falsi per calunniare e tentare di delegittimare i ricercatori indipendenti e le persone scomode al regime.

Attacco all'informazione CLICCA QUI


Range finder: how the facts are

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pokemon Mobile Online

false email sent on behalf of the European Tanker Enemy

An e-mail message, on behalf of the National Committee Tanker enemy, was sent to some members and readers of our blog using a service of anonymity ( ). We feel that this is a false designed to discredit the committee and to describe its founding as a cunning and greedy individuals. diffidino readers of all communications in calling for contributions of money or where you have projects absurd and illegal.

Obviously, we reserve the right to file yet another complaint to the police post.

Here is the ranting and rambling text:

X-Originating-IP: [ ]} On October 7, 2009 17:20 , wrote:

sending this email to you and to all participants, and supporters of Tankerenemy.

As you know well, my brother Anthony and I, we are exposing more and more everyday for the sake of recognition the issue of chemtrails. By now it has become for us a work visa that follow from the blog, make movies, manage your webhosting do not have more time for us.

with this letter I would like to ask you if you were \\ 's agreement to open a bank account in which the concrete to support your cause. Just too little. The c / c would be payable on behalf of the Committee Tankerenemy and the account holder would be Antonio and I, and as Vice Chairman of the Committee.

Only with the achievement of a fair amount you would think to buy instruments for all \\ 'investigation of condensation. Our idea was to rent an airplane, Piper or Cessna, and take us high above San Remo. Once you find a chemical trail my brother and I, by the side door, the collection of samples and data. Only then can we prove, once for all that poison us every day with data in hand!

I want to know also your opinion as members of the Committee. Appearance Vs


Rosario and Antonio Marciano
National Committee Tanker Enemy

Art 494 Impersonation

Whoever, in order to provide to himself 'or other benefits or to cause other damage, induces someone in error, replacing its unlawfully another's person, or if giving in 'or other a false name, or a false state, or a quality to which the law gives legal effect, shall be punished, if the act does not constitute another crime against the public trust, with imprisonment up to one year.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Blueprints To A Computer Deck

Testimony of a civilian pilot on Chemtrails

publish the testimony of a civilian pilot about chemtrails: are statements made to the administrator of the site There is no reason to assume that the note is not authentic. It demonstrates not only the spread of toxic contrails in the skies of Germany (as elsewhere), but also the unusual flight maneuvers which forced the pilots of civil air carriers to avoid cross in the corridors reserved for air tankers. We call on civil and military pilots, engineers, meteorologists, and the crew of the towers control etc. to follow the German example insider. We guarantee anonymity and confidentiality to those who decide to provide information about the clandestine and illegal chemical and biological aerosols.

Watching the issue of chemtrails for the work of two C-17 Globemaster cargo to 6,000 m high over Germany

Introduction to the story of the pilot

The curator of this homepage ( - ed) has met the 'insider few months ago. At some point in our conversation I asked all’interlocutore quale fosse la sua attività professionale. Solo dopo un po’ di insistenza, ha ammesso che lavora come co-pilota nella cabina di pilotaggio di un aereo commerciale. Ho portato delicatamente il tema verso le chemtrails , chiedendo se fosse al corrente di questo termine e dell’ipotesi che si trattasse di scie di “condensa” artificiali o appunto chimiche. Dopo un po’ di esitazione ha risposto: “ Sì, qualcosa ho letto in Internet ”. Dopo aver messo in chiaro di essere il redattore della Homepage di e di voler sapere in che modo valutava questo problema e che cosa avesse eventualmente osservato dalla cabina di pilotaggio, mi ha raccontato quanto segue:

“Inizialmente avevo i miei dubbi sugli argomenti esposti in quegli articoli che trattano delle scie chimiche in Internet e circa la corrispondenza tra questi dati ed i fatti, ma poi ho sperimentato di persona qualcosa che mi ha convinto che sono sostanze chimiche diffuse per qualche motivo e che formano quelle “scie di condensa” persistenti (non sempre, n.d.r.) che chiamano “ chemtrails “.

Non avevo mosso obiezioni durante la nostra conversazione e volevo chiarire alcuni dettagli. Ho chiesto al pilota, qualche settimana dopo, un resoconto più preciso della sua esperienza.

Riporto di seguito in forma letterale. his description written on 17/08/2009. Only the headers are listings editorial comments added are reported as such.

Strange instructions climb (up) through the work of the control tower

"After takeoff from Frankfurt, we were in the rate of climb north of Nuremberg. It was 14:00. The visibility was very good: do not pass through clouds of any kind. That day in Germany was very airy high pressure extended.

exceed about 11-12000's feet, we pass to the next area radar that gives the green light for further ascent. These permits are regulated fairly generous. So the 'Radar Monaco' gives us the green light plane flight FL250, or 25,000 feet on. That day, however, did not happen. The go-ahead following the case in steps of 1,000 feet. The first warning of the controller was " climb 14,000 feet" ("up to 14,000 feet", ed.) The next "is climb to 15,000 feet ," the other " climb 16,000 feet."

We knew there had to be drivers who were above us along the same route but rose more slowly than we would like to do us, or because they could not or because non volevano.

Sul cosiddetto T.C.A.S. (Traffic Collision and Avoidance System), uno strumento di controllo con cui si osserva lo spazio aereo intorno al proprio velivolo, notavamo un traffico alla nostra destra e un po’ più in basso rispetto a noi. Visto che il tempo era buono, cercavamo di vedere il traffico che doveva esserci sopra di noi. Non tardò a presentarsi.

Due aerei cargo del tipo Globemaster C-17 rilasciano chemtrails dal profilo alare

Si notava un imponente velivolo da trasporto Globemaster C-17 a 18.000 piedi (6.000 m). Basandoci sulle nostre osservazioni with TCAS, we suspect that cross another aircraft of the same type a few miles back to the same altitude. We could not frame it, but I'm sure there was a second plane. We could instead see was a big wake behind the aircraft. At this altitude and this season was not a phenomenon to be expected. Planes that flew much higher and still not release trails clearly visible. He must have been a dispersion of substances not usually explained by the release of exhaust of conventional engines.

(Added Red.: During the previous conversation I had asked if the wakes of engine-off from C-17 Globemaster. The witness answered: " Certainly no . So obviously the substances came from special nozzles at the edges of the airplane wing.

Other observations of the pilot about the increase in chemtrail

In my professional life (pilot ed) I realized that these sprayings have increased considerably in recent years. I have observed throughout the summer of 2009, the operations of spreading " layers of fog and especially at altitudes between 18,000 and 35,000 feet (6,000 / 12.000m).

How to distinguish the top the mist produced by chemical trails of condensation from the fog

is often not easy to distinguish a trail of condensation from a chemical trail. Every day I see planes at high altitudes, sometimes close to each other, where the routes intersect. In these cases, we can recognize as good a trail as a trail of condensation and chemistry. It can be distinguished by their behavior in the air. While a trail of condensation is light and thin and evaporates quickly (without a trace - ed), chemtrails are heavy, compact and almost lazy. Also behave accordingly. It happens to leave an airport in the morning where they were released chemtrails. Returning hours later, we find them still there and have become a gray veil, while around il tempo è diverso.

Aumento massiccio delle scie chimiche in quota

Quando ci troviamo in volo, attraversiamo, talvolta per ore, aeree di nebbie alte (chimiche, n.d.r.). Ho compiuto spesso questa osservazione ovvero che ci sono sempre di più irrorazioni e sempre più pesanti. Non posso fornire delle prove, ma vedo le cose in questo modo.

Ulteriori note all’intervista a voce

Fin qui il racconto del pilota. E’ importante notare che alla quota indicata (18.000 piedi, che corrispondono a circa 6000 metri di altezza) le contrails (le scie di condensazione normali) non possono formarsi, come dimostrava d'altronde the rest of air traffic. So it was an action of deliberate spraying of chemtrails by two cargo planes.

also said that the pilot's communications control center for flight with planes spraying took place on a completely different radio frequencies and those allocated to airliners.

This suggests that the aircraft had a chemical "treatment" different from the liner (probably because of the privileged orders from above) and should be known to those responsible for control towers that they are special flights for the change in atmospheric . It is not surprising that employees of the control tower or location do not give (or will not or can not give) answers to these flights, once they are asked to provide information.

However, asked to answer questions from a Swiss journalist, some riders have admitted that such flights were not recorded in official logs.

not surprising that, faced with so much secrecy and denial in the face of chemtrails at all levels, our politicians, weathermen, etc.. can continue to lie still, denying Flights chemical or groped for citing weak arguments to deny this reality.

Link to the original text

related article

thank XXX per la traduzione.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Giant Men And Women Fetish

"The Discovery Channel: ten strategies to deceive the public (CENSURED AGAIN!)

II filmato sugli sporchi metodi del C.I.C.A.P. è stato censurato per la seconda volta. Richiedi il file originale ed inseriscilo sul tuo canale, su You-Tube ed altrove. Non lasciare che la censura orwelliana prenda il sopravvento sulle poche libertà rimasteci. Non lasciare che la R.A.I. ed il C.I.C.A.P. proseguano nella loro campagna di disinformazione e manipolazione mentale con i denari dei contribuenti.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Ringworm Espanol Como Se Dice

The" sblendorizzazione "of society (article MB)

Absite iniuria verbis

Who complains about the problem of the chemtrails, you soon realize that it is full of misinformation counterfeiters, robbers, slanderers, sycophants of the powerful, suckers ... : Chemtrails like pollute the biosphere, so they corrupt society, plagiarizing the younger generation. The most obvious example of putrefaction "cultural" Wiki is that the intention of the authors, should be fun, but it's just a jumble of mud and blasphemous rants written by psychopaths. The editorial MB is an acute diagnosis of those half-alive without hope of redemption, of a world decaying carcasses.

Looking at the way they are treated for "chemtrails" Encyclopedias on "free" Wikipedia and Wiki , I thought the other day when, with some friends, I tried to insert as a new lemma the name and description of a ball game, we more or less invented.

on Wikipedia are after 2 minutes and 30 seconds, after which a user " Snowdog " has erased all at once (by clicking on its icon appears in a photo-caption: the sheriff during a stay German, while posing next to the car Polizei)

We then thrown on Wiki , considering it more open and ironic. After 15 minutes, the same fate at the hands of someone who does not remember. The reason: we had talked about what a local, restricted, known by very few, sharing their "encyclopedia" for Facebook. This

our experience, ultimately irrelevant, he says, however, think first of all I wonder who these people are entitled to cancel post "wrong", secondly I wonder if they are paid (and by whom) or whether to pass free day to monitor the internet for "love of knowledge" (also whether to intervene in 2 minutes 30 seconds, is the stuff of professionals).

The most annoying thing is, however, the "morality" of Wiki, which, while retaining for a few hours after our , accompanied him with flashing messages and labels of derision peppered with irony is not funny or amusing, but forced, mannered and irritating (traced in each section of the site, especially that concerning chemtrails). The same irony typical example, the goliards university (which I never incurred), for some ridiculous things are now, then return to their faculty to serve the "science" officer with a small mind, unparalleled. Once you graduate, they become arrogant and believe they know everything about their subject, and later make fun of the alternative theories is completely subservient to the power (for example, that butt of consumer jokes neoingegneri Giuliani, that butt of consumer jokes neogeologi Tanker Enemy, that butt of consumer jokes NeoMedia radionics etc. ).

known more people like this: you could say that we are witnessing a sblendorizzazione society (since this individual, along with geologist Pier Luigi Torreggiani (riosaeba) which was the sweat degree, embody well this kind of people). Francesco Sblendorio course is paid for what he does, but I think in future there will not be needed, since many are already so in nature.

On the fact of the hire car in Turin, I seem to remember that this city is a seat of learning where there are many 'scientific' programs of RAI, including Voyager and perhaps Superquark . Pirlangela is also in Turin. Despite the seriousness of the violation of privacy , the movie with the background air Sblendorio Bach (misused as a symbol of Superquark ) will remain in history, like the performance starring the irascible Mercalli in Cuneo.

Friday, September 4, 2009

How Early Can I Renew My Ohio

action contrary to the complaint (Let's Do Something Against the complaints)

Recently some video "inconvenient" for disinformation, for CICAP and their lenders , have been removed from You-Tube at the request of Francis Sblendorio and Roberto Galli (aka ilpeyote canarinomannar0 - CALL: IW2MVC). For this reason censored material now available on our video channel:

- The spies :
- Identified Italian debunkers :
- "The Discovery Channel: ten strategies to deceive the public :
- the thugs, and the CICAP Superquark (Here the "science" according to Piero Angela) :

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Mause Gateway Modelo Moakuo

"The Discovery Channel: ten strategies to deceive the public