Thursday, October 28, 2010

Full Sets Kates Playground


Our Board , our virtual marketplace, shows us more every day the "virtuality" of the problems discussed by politicians and the media, and the extreme concreteness of the discussions of the common people, issues that do not "take "never the first page, but we are always thinking.
Take for example the Wall today ...

Etta Pastorelli denuncia le condizioni di degrado della passeggiata Italo Calvino, una pattumiera a cielo aperto, che offriamo come biglietto da visita ai turisti che scendono dalle corriere…

Lidia Cacciatore dopo essere stata investita da un motorino, che transitava davanti ad una scuola in orario vietato, si rivolge ad un vigile e questi invece d’intervenire afferma che “ognuno è consapevole delle sue azioni”…

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Charlie Horse When Swallowing


A woman of 50 years was raped in June 2008, for a whole night, an immigrant from Sri Lanka used at a 'Bed and Breakfast' of Ventimiglia.
The news was leaked only in the last hour, after which the judge for preliminary hearings in San Remo, decided to prosecute the accused with the summary procedure.
The case will be clarified at the hearing, with the woman guest of the hotel, he reported the facts to two months later.
For this reason the accused was investigated in a state of freedom.
The woman had complained to the Police anonymously on the Internet.
Only then was contacted and convinced to appear to testify. The process
inizierà il 10 novembre.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Velocity Scooter 150cc Review


Ricevo e pubblico la lettera di Mara, coloro che hanno la sfortuna di trovarsi al Pronto Soccorso del Borea o devono accompagnare qualche parente è bene che si premuniscano con COPERTE e SCALDINI.
Luca D’Amore

La lettera di Mara:

Caro Luca,
scrivo a te, come al solito, xè poi sai impostare bene il discorso; come sai lavoro in Pronto Relief in San Remo and I just finished doing the night shift "Basel" in the cold: penguins also went on strike!
Now about 10 days we are ill-treated the asl x is turn on the heaters we have not yet swapped the heaters, the hot chamber x is defined as the reception in charge of ambulances and the discharge of patients who enter and PS so it must have the highest efficiency MAINTENANCE (ahahahah) and always be sufficient, or rather, more than adequately hot and cold instead.
The administration says that we must follow the regional decree.
The administration had no stock in the last two nights when we had to look for other covered in other departments.
BUT HOW ???????????? U.S.
a hospital (where I usually try to treat patients) first and then we come to the pneumonia for four (there were only 4!) Bureaucrats who adhere strictly to the laws (that they are welcome to charity), but we are still a Hospital.
Dear Luca, I have written and certainly there will be much momentum to be trimmed, but hopefully you have grabbed the concept and maybe begin to bother the media, since you're very good at this.
Forgive the mistakes, but I'm getting sleep, unfortunately, this, however, could not wait and I was forced to write, then write if x is in Play offended ....
Thanks Luke for your attention and good day. Mara

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Dry Cough 7 Month Baby


While the manifest unfairness of the Northern League, he still shows himself on the box of Caritas San Lorenzo in the street (no one has yet bothered to do it remove the least), the City of Sanremo proves to be much less tolerant towards those suffering from colitis and sudden dispensation fines of 300 euros, as well as to clean up the poor unfortunate object of their misfortunes!

Listen, listen, the source is SanremoNews, it is not an April Fool ...
District agents used for the control of the area of \u200b\u200bthe Sanremo Casino, have fined a man $ 300 for 60 years. The fine was high according to the ordinances promulgated by the Mayor of Sanremo, Maurizio Zoccarato, for the decoration of public ways.
Curiosa the grounds of the fine. The agents, in fact, have noted that the 60 year old in the alley between the Church of the Capuchins and the Casino, which then leads into the old town, while he was quietly defecating. The police identified and fined. According to the order of the Mayor have also forced to clean up the damage. The man is made to the Capuchins bucket, water and mop and cleaned up everything.

short, if you want to hang a bit in San Remo 'abusive posters, it appears that the jaws of justice are not so strict and timely, but if you beat it suddenly poo do take care, and if you do not want to lose $ 300 instead fatevela him.

But farting is still permitted (?), Because otherwise no one leaves the house anymore ...

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Citing A Patent In Mla Format


Mi sono permesso di far notare che la Lega Nord aveva affisso un manifesto di propaganda elettorale, su un cassonetto di raccolta indumenti per i poveri della Caritas, ed ecco che non ha tardato a ri-materializzarsi il “MANGANELLO MEDIATICO” a nome della leghista Fabrizia Cernuto, che già in passato mi aveva costretto a sospendere le mie attività sul gruppo facebook a favore della gente comune.

Come funziona? Semplice! Oggi il “dissidente” non devi necessariamente “manganellarlo materialmente”, come si usava ad esempio nel ventennio fascista, oggi il dissidente lo si colpisce more subtle ...
Why, Luca D'Amore stands in people's champion, a defender of the abuses and shortcomings of the system, has a blog and even a group of San Remo on the internet that collects dozens of complaints, but who Luke is I'm Love, but what he wants, but as you can, let's give him a "good lesson" once and for all ...

is then that of Fabrizia Cernuto name, started the latest attack and allegations to my family to my profession, my passion for yoga, my blog and of course the facebook group of San Remo which I founded and of which you belong, with more than 4,500 subscribers, but according to Sorting and Fabrizia 'read and followed by a handful of less than ten, ten individuals APPLIES!

I mean, how sad, but be careful not to underestimate Sanremo friends like these, because "tomorrow" may be too late ...

MEANWHILE want to give me a little satisfaction? WANT TO WRITE IN BOARD
FACEBOOK group Fabrizio HINGES ARE MORE 'THAT EVEN A group of ten people?

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Groping In Train Reality?


Making a dumpster Caritas for obvious political propaganda, I think action, not only prohibited, but extremely unfair and in bad taste.
This is what has happened but in San Remo in San Lorenzo Road (see photo), and for once dear leaguers will not be you kick me laugh, but you ... boo us
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Monday, October 11, 2010

1970s Singapore Secondary School


The investigation of the brave journalist of the nineteenth century, Isaiah Paul, the boom of the houses ringing in Sanremo is very brave and serious "everybody knows, but no one talks about "...
Yes, because if we think about it the business is really thriving and not just for the beautiful ladies ...
The apartment owners, estate agents, newspaper editors and sites hosting their ads, in short a nice round of money, which involves quite a few categories from ordinary citizens ...
I ask myself only one question and ask a competent response to users legal matters, and that if this "turnover" is perfectly legitimate, especially for good earnings coming to the apartment owners, estate agencies, the editors of newspapers and sites in question ... This

's Paul Isaiah investigation of the nineteenth century ...
Less "fireflies" in the street, many more apartments. Grows exponentially in Sanremo prostitution at home, fueled by foreign girls: came from Eastern Europe, China, South America, and almost all have less than 25 years.
A phone call, a short meeting and the agreement to see each other after 15 minutes or half an hour. A seconda telefonata per ricevere le ultime indicazioni - come il piano in cui si trova l’appartamento - e finalmente l’incontro a luci rosse può cominciare. Senza alcuna difficoltà.

È un piccolo “esercito” di lucciole quello che alloggia nei condomini della città dei fiori, da levante a ponente, senza risparmiare anche palazzi storici di via Matteotti o corso Garibaldi. Più che un esercito, anzi, bisognerebbe parlare di “Legione straniera”, visto che le ragazze che offrono i loro servizi provengono da quasi tutto il mondo: Russia, Ucraina, Bulgaria, Ungheria, Cina, Giappone, Brasile, Ecuador. Ma se la presenza di case squillo a Sanremo come ovunque potrebbe non be new, but there is one aspect that deserves attention: the properties that are used are always the same. Not only that, but the nationalities of the girls is the same as if the city was divided into "sectors", where there are fireflies East, South America or the Far East. Not even the age range, the fireflies have almost never more than 25 years.

To find the "map" was sufficient to call the numbers that appear in magazines - and the sites on the same line - the "meetings", and ask respondents their country of origin, and then the address. Within six months, to same addresses are girls of the same nationality, usually two per apartment. A change are (but not always) the cell phone numbers, names (presumably fake) and age. But, with this simple survey, you find especially the presence of at least 8-10 lodgings Sanremo transformed permanently in homes ringing. The apartments red light tracked by calling the fireflies that employ them are cited in Via Matteotti, to be precise in the second leg, and again in Via Nino Bixio, by Goethe, during Orazio Raimondo, Corso Garibaldi, Via Capitan Heavy, via Volta , via Meridiana, Via Massa. It is no coincidence that it is almost always of large apartment buildings, but sparsely populated, especially da famiglie, alle quali il continuo via vai di uomini non passerebbe inosservato. Nella “mappa” infatti mancano le zone più popolose della città, come via Martiri, via Agosti, via Galilei, via Lamarmora, via della Repubblica. Anche la scelta dei palazzi ha un obiettivo: quello di essere raggiungibili rapidamente, magari per offrire i propri servizi nella “pausa pranzo”.

Quanto ai proprietari degli appartamenti, da un’ulteriore verifica emerge che sono nella quasi totalità dei casi all’oscuro del loro utilizzo. Il contratto di affitto, quando esiste, viene stipulato con persone fornite di referenze sufficienti ad allontanare qualsiasi sospetto, o attraverso agenzie immobiliari o word of mouth. Circumstances that would explain why the nationality of the girls in the same accommodation varies frequently: the rent went from friend to another.
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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Faking Smoking Weed In Movie


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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

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disturbing episode in the middle school in Santo Stefano al Mare, where a twelve year old foreigner was tackled by four fellow Italians to defend the 'honor' which was a contemporary of the court, but the boy stranger pulled a knife and the story ended with the intervention of the police officers and five complaints to the prosecution of minors.

The incident happened last Friday, when the twelve year old of foreign nationality, he approached his classmate, Italian, asking her to be his girlfriend. The reaction of the girl apparently was not the expected one. Perhaps, along with the refusal, said a few words too many. Maybe coming to taunt the would-boyfriend, relying on his insecurities of alien. He did not take well the "no", and is past the insults and threats, and then left furious. He could end up there with the girl in tears for the insults and the boy was angry at being rejected and ridiculed. But the twelve year old has found solace in some classmates, to whom he told everything. With the courage of the group, which makes them strong and secure even the most timid, was formed gradually the plan to organize a punitive expedition against the foreigner. "I'll make us pay, do not worry, it will be close to you ever again."

After school, they found themselves in five, with the intention of saving the honor of the beloved "by quell'immigrato. Finding a stick was simple, just walk towards the house of twelve, a small armed guard ready 'to show that how we behave. " And the group behind her, perhaps to see with own eyes "that" ask for forgiveness. After ringing the bell housing, the five ordered the boy to get off. He appeared at the window, counted the rival them for so-called "measured", then he reached the road. A tall, proud, to see do not be afraid. When the group approached, pulled out a knife. It took only a moment before twelve years old fleeing to their heels, leaving their "princess" and their kingdom at the mercy the stranger. She has not taken a step, it has not had the time, attracted only by the blades look shiny, soft legs suddenly fear. Who knows what may have thought in those moments. Before being let loose, have suffered at least one death threat. Words, uttered perhaps without truly realize their meaning, but that the girl had a devastating effect. More tears, more fear, more than before. To the point that hide a thing like mom and dad it was impossible.

The parents of twelve year old, once heard the story of her daughter, have not had a moment's hesitation, and went to report everything to the police. The task is dell'Arma stopped by the alert, the kids have less than 14 years, can not be prosecuted for crimes that would automatically trigger their behavior. Now is the duty of educators, teachers, families, to intervene to understand what the kids have really done, the seriousness of those threats with a knife on one side and reprisals with sticks, organized "to do justice," by 'else. Because everything will end well. Source
Il Secolo XIX

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Sanosa Cutting Of Churidar Pajami


To solve the problem of waste Mayor Maurizio Zoccarato proposed the construction of an incinerator in Sanremo.

results of this survey are in favor

47 votes (40%)

am against 71 votes (60%) Total votes 118

Friday, October 1, 2010

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The Lucky, the Lemur, the rat and other cute animals

Absite iniuria verbis

E 'the terrible arrogance "scientific" which shows the CICAP: the arrogance of its leaders sticks to their infinite, irredeemable ignorance. With their convictions for begging, the snooty "experts" believe the grotesque Committee to defraud the public. Servizietto the specimen was in the program " Report" hosted by these characters commedia dell'arte, intent once again to taunt the investigators and to normalize the horror.

neck reluctantly, accepted that the Gabbanelli Army Brancatopone bivouac all'interno di "Report". La già vacillante reputazione di "Report" è crollata miseramente. Infastidita ed imbarazzata, la Gabbanelli ha dovuto pure magnificare gli inesistenti meriti del C.I.C.A.P.: la giornalista della R.A.I., pur non aliena del tutto a compromessi utili alla conferma di "Report" nel palinsesto, era visibilmente contrariata: passi la disinformazione, ma il ridicolo è intollerabile. Infatti chi è più ridicolo di Kattivix, con i suoi modellini delle Torri gemelle?

Tra pseudo-fachiri, piccoli chimici, autoproclamatisi scienziati, elettricisti che hanno appena cominciato il corso per corrispondenza della Radio Elettra, è risaltato il lemure Marco Mortocutti: volto inteschiato, occhi infossati, voice cracked, the spectral Mortocutti explained that Caronia fires were the work of arsonists self-defeating. It 's a real hope that slander the inhabitants of the village in the province of Messina respond with a complaint. The deadly Mortocutti also evoked with eerie whistling aliens: the usual whisk digression which now does not even duped the simpletons.

This is science, "beneficent, immortal, to 'triumphs accustomed": it takes two wires burned and burned and you convince yourself that live in Caronia Herostratus emulators. Back then the boring Sinon Angioni ( appointment sunt Omina ) that corrects the commas and then solved in no time the whole ' affaire chemtrails "(Parvatim). It was not enough the most learned studies on spiders migratory bats that migrate in all seasons, is back in wake of chatter, not even bestow its tasty mantra "in the sense that . Kattivix while playing with legos and stuffed animals with cats, Pollidori bent spoons (believed to Neo "The Matrix"), while the other one was putting spillloni in various orifices.

If you turn away from this little show carnival, we encounter the cunning and subtle linguistic distortion that "Experts" of Meteorology perpetrated by a few weeks, "cloudiness moving", " milky sky", "gray sky, but without phenomena" (this gloss, however, that phenomena is not true, because the phenomena tent are all in different locations of CICAP), "thin clouds," "stratified clouds" ... there is a plethora of expressions of neo-Orwellian language, which is hidden behind the scientific announcement of clandestine spraying.

Not only that, during recent estimates provided by regional networks of RAI has been introduced an icon that shows three horizontal lines to evoke the chemical strips. This innovation Weather in the childish graphics is a small and significant evidence of a gradual but irreversible transformation of the codes of communication acts to manipulate consciences.

language shapes the reality and perception while television advertising, baleful siren, enchants us with the refrain "But the sky is always bluer, the sky becomes a little 'time to a white sheet, the sheet in which wrap the body of the planet.