"[...] Condensation is a natural phenomenon related to the evaporation of water from the air. A temperature elevate, l’aria assorbe il vapore acqueo fino alla saturazione ed aumenta il suo volume. Raffreddandosi, l’aria espelle il vapore che, a contatto con una superficie più fredda, si condensa trasformandosi in gocce d’acqua . [...] Un metro cubo d’aria, ad esempio, può contenere, alla temperatura di zero gradi ed al livello del mare, un massimo di quattro grammi di acqua. Alla temperatura di venti gradi ne contiene quindici ".
"[...] L’aria che ci circonda è costituita da una certa quantità di vapore acqueo che si forma a causa dell’evaporazione dell’acqua. L’aria assorbe vapore acqueo, soprattutto a temperature elevate, che ne fa aumentare il suo volume e anche il suo peso specifico. Si ha dunque una “umidità relativa” alta, che sarebbe la percentuale di vapore d’acqua contenuto nell’aria. Raffreddandosi l’aria riprende il suo volume originale ed il vapore in essa contenuto viene espulso; qualora il raffreddamento sia molto rapido, come può esserlo l’impatto contro una superficie più fredda, si condensa trasformandosi in gocce d’acqua [...]".
"[...] La condensa sulla superficie del vetro interno all'abitazione è un fenomeno che avviene ogni qualvolta la temperatura di tale faccia interna del vetro scende sino alla cosiddetta temperatura di rugiada. Tanto maggiore risulta la percent relative humidity air, the greater will be the temperature of the glass so you do not experience the phenomenon of condensation [...]".
We reported some texts that explain the phenomenon of condensation in a not in any way imply the phenomenon of contrails produced by planes. This is to show how the parameter "RH " is central and unavoidable in documents not corrupt by misinformation. In addition, in one of the concise and clear descriptions above, it appears as the moisture is gradually decreased in parallel with the decrease of temperature.
Eppure, in questi ultimi mesi, la fisica è cambiata e questo grazie agli "studi" del C.I.C.A.P. e dei suoi "scienziati di livello eccelso". Così ora troviamo, su Wikipedia [ QUI ], alla voce "Scie di condensazione", il seguente squinternato testo:
" Scie di gas di scarico - Dovute al rapido raffreddamento dei gas di scappamento dei motori (sic!), i quali immettono nell'atmosfera, già molto umida [1] (sic!), una quantità di vapore acqueo e nuclei di condensazione sufficienti a provocare il fenomeno (sic!). La temperatura dell'aria più favorevole è quella compresa fra i −25 °C ed i −40 °C (sic!). Esse sono le più persistenti. Ma gli studi (sic!) mostrano come scie di condensazione possono formarsi anche ad umidità relative pari allo 0% (sic!) a patto che la temperatura sia sufficientemente bassa ".
Nel lemma non viene considerato (volutamente) il valore di umidità relativa (almeno il 60%) ed inoltre si confonde (volutamente) il fenomeno definito " trecce di Berenice " (vortici sui profili alari) con il fenomeno della condensa, che è tutt'altra cosa. Inoltre la persistenza delle scie, sebbene venga data per scontata, è invece praticamente impossibile, checché ne dica la N.A.S.A., in quanto, affinché it can exist, must be found relative humidity values \u200b\u200babove 150%, when, on the contrary, from higher altitudes to 8,000 feet, the humidity drops gradually and is almost never more than 7 / 12% and, more often, However, close to 0%. In short contrails are a sham. The percentage of their training is in fact less than 3%. It 's a phenomenon so rare that the word " contrail, which is already written on other occasions, was coined only in 1947.
It 'easy to conclude as a scratchpad to Wikipedia is, in effect, even for those who know only superficially the foundations of physics, a painful climbing on the mirrors, but is even more outrageous that such statements are passed off as the result of "scientific studies" (What? conducted by whom?), when such allegations are only the fruit of lies profusely bestowed on a page of a ' encyclopedia "controlled in some sections, by members of the CICAP, such as the page dedicated to chemtrails, properly locked and editable only by the usual suspects .
We are facing a forgery perpetrated by a handful of individuals who, in turn, adapt the laws of physics for their needs and exploit the ignorance and undeserved authority of the Commons for their sinister purposes.
the page in question there are three photos: one showing B-17 bomber in 1943, one that frames a Boeing 747 with its ... "Contrails" and a third photo of chemtrails, taken January 26, 2001 by a not disinterested Louis Nguyen NASA and defined on the site in question, "contrails".
A NASA photograph of aircraft contrails, taken from I-95 in northern Virginia, January 26, 2001 by NASA scientist Louis Nguyen. Retrieved from [ http://www-pm.larc.nasa.gov/sass/sfc.contrail.1.26.01.JPG ]
" Louis Nguyen, Norfolk, VA - Louis Nguyen is research in computer engineer at NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. He is a satellite expert and works with research and operational weather satellites and derives real-time cloud properties for climate studies and weather applications. He Develops interactive web-based scientific applications. He is a pioneer in satellite calibration and conducts research on aircraft icing and contrails .
The analysis of photos of B-17 [ HERE], once processed, proves to have been made the well-known graphics program Photoshop (and it is not the only one!), as evidenced by this log file . In short the tool we used to highlight tampering of the image, we obtain the following information:
NOTE: Photoshop IRB detected
Based on the analysis of compression Characteristics and EXIF \u200b\u200bmetadata:
ASSESSMENT: Class 1 - Image is processed / edited
Appears to be new signature for Photoshop.
In step they impersonating a "contrail of a JAL 747 [ HERE], you notice a detail that often occurs in the analysis of aerial photographic chemicals [ HERE another example]. If you look carefully, you will notice that the trails, apparently from drains of the left engine of the Boeing 747, crossing up to exchange of position: the trail closer to the fuselage moves away to the outside and vice versa occurs with the outer wake, forming an X. This demonstrates that contrails actually come from special sprinklers installed on the main route of turbofan, but visibly misaligned. If not, that is really what we see if they were contrails , we must assume that the two motors are out of alignment, but that, in all honesty, it is absolutely impossible!
At this point, it seems clear that the Wikipedia page dedicated to the contrails is a desperate fake from head to foot, but do not stop here. Come on over and dispel another "workhorse" of misinformation. To that end, we must take a step back, namely in 2006. At that time it was taken for granted, even by those who deny the phenomenon of chemtrails, which for the formation of contrails was still necessary to fly above the 8,000 meters (now quacks claim that contrails can be formed even at zero) to meet with a certain amount of humidity in the atmosphere. At the limit, we discussed the phenomenon of persistence, a phenomenon that, theoretically, it can take only in case of very high percentages of relative humidity (+150%), with the so-called oversaturation, which was and should still be a key parameter. But no. The current clique of uninformative dissertations cite the persistence of "contrails" in a generic way without specifying that it can occur only in science fiction cases of oversaturation. In fact, as already mentioned many times, we have clarified that, at high altitudes, the relative humidity drops to nil. In the texts
introduction to the article, we saw that the condensation can occur with low or no humidity. Yet Italy on Wikipedia we read: " But studies show that contrails may occur even at 0% relative humidity provided the temperatura sia sufficientemente bassa ".
A quali studi ci si riferisce e chi sarebbero gli autorevoli scienziati che propalano un'eresia del genere? Qualche nome al di sopra di ogni sospetto? Qualcuno ci spieghi come sia possibile la sublimazione del vapore acqueo se questo è assente!
" Condensazione in liquido o in solido - La condensazione di un vapore può generare o un liquido o un solido, a seconda della temperatura del vapore. Se essa è maggiore di 0°C, il vapore condensa in acqua (condensazione vera e propria) formando nebbia o rugiada; se, invece, la temperatura è minore di 0°C, il vapore ghiaccia subito formando brina senza passare dalla fase liquida, ma trasformandosi direttamente gas in solid (sublimation or brinazione) .
The B-17 of the second conflict could operate at full load and without pressurization, at high altitudes and temperatures so low? Apparently not.
" At the outbreak of World War II, the Douglas DB1 proved a little too powerful, while the 299 model was further developed and renamed YB17 much more powerful and could fly at a much larger share, but the American Army Air Corps had only 30. In 1941, 20 B-17 were shipped to Britain, but did not show great qualities: the first flight in the UK fell: in the first mission, it freezes the machine guns and bombs were dropped off target. To overcome these problems, the British increased the armor and weapons, reducing the operative height. The B-17 was used in all theaters of operations of the Second World War. The first transaction was in August 1942. It was later used primarily for precision daylight bombing [a share close to 4,000 meters - ed] up factories and refineries by the USAF, while the RAF was responsible for nocturnal .
To be always on the side of reason, the uninformed hours assert that the necessary moisture (and that clearly is not at high altitudes) is entirely produced by turbofan last generation. And 'possible? One of our friend and collaborator wanted to pursue the matter and is satisfied, through elaborate calculations, that the production of water vapor of a modern jet engine is totally insignificant and would have absolutely not allow the formation of condensation trails (of any kind) for the sole supply of moisture from the engine. The study will be published as soon as possible.
conclude with a necessary clarification.
The publication of this article has one intention: to prevent the gradual rewriting of history and the laws of physics. Prevent brainwashed by factions clearly interested in the truth sink and conceal what is happening with impunity in our skies devastated.
[1] A shares over 8,000 meters, or the commercial aircraft flight altitudes, the relative humidity is often close to 0%.
"[...] L’aria che ci circonda è costituita da una certa quantità di vapore acqueo che si forma a causa dell’evaporazione dell’acqua. L’aria assorbe vapore acqueo, soprattutto a temperature elevate, che ne fa aumentare il suo volume e anche il suo peso specifico. Si ha dunque una “umidità relativa” alta, che sarebbe la percentuale di vapore d’acqua contenuto nell’aria. Raffreddandosi l’aria riprende il suo volume originale ed il vapore in essa contenuto viene espulso; qualora il raffreddamento sia molto rapido, come può esserlo l’impatto contro una superficie più fredda, si condensa trasformandosi in gocce d’acqua [...]".
"[...] La condensa sulla superficie del vetro interno all'abitazione è un fenomeno che avviene ogni qualvolta la temperatura di tale faccia interna del vetro scende sino alla cosiddetta temperatura di rugiada. Tanto maggiore risulta la percent relative humidity air, the greater will be the temperature of the glass so you do not experience the phenomenon of condensation [...]".
We reported some texts that explain the phenomenon of condensation in a not in any way imply the phenomenon of contrails produced by planes. This is to show how the parameter "RH " is central and unavoidable in documents not corrupt by misinformation. In addition, in one of the concise and clear descriptions above, it appears as the moisture is gradually decreased in parallel with the decrease of temperature.
Eppure, in questi ultimi mesi, la fisica è cambiata e questo grazie agli "studi" del C.I.C.A.P. e dei suoi "scienziati di livello eccelso". Così ora troviamo, su Wikipedia [ QUI ], alla voce "Scie di condensazione", il seguente squinternato testo:
" Scie di gas di scarico - Dovute al rapido raffreddamento dei gas di scappamento dei motori (sic!), i quali immettono nell'atmosfera, già molto umida [1] (sic!), una quantità di vapore acqueo e nuclei di condensazione sufficienti a provocare il fenomeno (sic!). La temperatura dell'aria più favorevole è quella compresa fra i −25 °C ed i −40 °C (sic!). Esse sono le più persistenti. Ma gli studi (sic!) mostrano come scie di condensazione possono formarsi anche ad umidità relative pari allo 0% (sic!) a patto che la temperatura sia sufficientemente bassa ".
Nel lemma non viene considerato (volutamente) il valore di umidità relativa (almeno il 60%) ed inoltre si confonde (volutamente) il fenomeno definito " trecce di Berenice " (vortici sui profili alari) con il fenomeno della condensa, che è tutt'altra cosa. Inoltre la persistenza delle scie, sebbene venga data per scontata, è invece praticamente impossibile, checché ne dica la N.A.S.A., in quanto, affinché it can exist, must be found relative humidity values \u200b\u200babove 150%, when, on the contrary, from higher altitudes to 8,000 feet, the humidity drops gradually and is almost never more than 7 / 12% and, more often, However, close to 0%. In short contrails are a sham. The percentage of their training is in fact less than 3%. It 's a phenomenon so rare that the word " contrail, which is already written on other occasions, was coined only in 1947.
It 'easy to conclude as a scratchpad to Wikipedia is, in effect, even for those who know only superficially the foundations of physics, a painful climbing on the mirrors, but is even more outrageous that such statements are passed off as the result of "scientific studies" (What? conducted by whom?), when such allegations are only the fruit of lies profusely bestowed on a page of a ' encyclopedia "controlled in some sections, by members of the CICAP, such as the page dedicated to chemtrails, properly locked and editable only by the usual suspects .
We are facing a forgery perpetrated by a handful of individuals who, in turn, adapt the laws of physics for their needs and exploit the ignorance and undeserved authority of the Commons for their sinister purposes.
the page in question there are three photos: one showing B-17 bomber in 1943, one that frames a Boeing 747 with its ... "Contrails" and a third photo of chemtrails, taken January 26, 2001 by a not disinterested Louis Nguyen NASA and defined on the site in question, "contrails".
A NASA photograph of aircraft contrails, taken from I-95 in northern Virginia, January 26, 2001 by NASA scientist Louis Nguyen. Retrieved from [ http://www-pm.larc.nasa.gov/sass/sfc.contrail.1.26.01.JPG ]
" Louis Nguyen, Norfolk, VA - Louis Nguyen is research in computer engineer at NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. He is a satellite expert and works with research and operational weather satellites and derives real-time cloud properties for climate studies and weather applications. He Develops interactive web-based scientific applications. He is a pioneer in satellite calibration and conducts research on aircraft icing and contrails .
The analysis of photos of B-17 [ HERE], once processed, proves to have been made the well-known graphics program Photoshop (and it is not the only one!), as evidenced by this log file . In short the tool we used to highlight tampering of the image, we obtain the following information:
NOTE: Photoshop IRB detected
Based on the analysis of compression Characteristics and EXIF \u200b\u200bmetadata:
ASSESSMENT: Class 1 - Image is processed / edited
Appears to be new signature for Photoshop.
In step they impersonating a "contrail of a JAL 747 [ HERE], you notice a detail that often occurs in the analysis of aerial photographic chemicals [ HERE another example]. If you look carefully, you will notice that the trails, apparently from drains of the left engine of the Boeing 747, crossing up to exchange of position: the trail closer to the fuselage moves away to the outside and vice versa occurs with the outer wake, forming an X. This demonstrates that contrails actually come from special sprinklers installed on the main route of turbofan, but visibly misaligned. If not, that is really what we see if they were contrails , we must assume that the two motors are out of alignment, but that, in all honesty, it is absolutely impossible!
At this point, it seems clear that the Wikipedia page dedicated to the contrails is a desperate fake from head to foot, but do not stop here. Come on over and dispel another "workhorse" of misinformation. To that end, we must take a step back, namely in 2006. At that time it was taken for granted, even by those who deny the phenomenon of chemtrails, which for the formation of contrails was still necessary to fly above the 8,000 meters (now quacks claim that contrails can be formed even at zero) to meet with a certain amount of humidity in the atmosphere. At the limit, we discussed the phenomenon of persistence, a phenomenon that, theoretically, it can take only in case of very high percentages of relative humidity (+150%), with the so-called oversaturation, which was and should still be a key parameter. But no. The current clique of uninformative dissertations cite the persistence of "contrails" in a generic way without specifying that it can occur only in science fiction cases of oversaturation. In fact, as already mentioned many times, we have clarified that, at high altitudes, the relative humidity drops to nil. In the texts
introduction to the article, we saw that the condensation can occur with low or no humidity. Yet Italy on Wikipedia we read: " But studies show that contrails may occur even at 0% relative humidity provided the temperatura sia sufficientemente bassa ".
A quali studi ci si riferisce e chi sarebbero gli autorevoli scienziati che propalano un'eresia del genere? Qualche nome al di sopra di ogni sospetto? Qualcuno ci spieghi come sia possibile la sublimazione del vapore acqueo se questo è assente!
" Condensazione in liquido o in solido - La condensazione di un vapore può generare o un liquido o un solido, a seconda della temperatura del vapore. Se essa è maggiore di 0°C, il vapore condensa in acqua (condensazione vera e propria) formando nebbia o rugiada; se, invece, la temperatura è minore di 0°C, il vapore ghiaccia subito formando brina senza passare dalla fase liquida, ma trasformandosi direttamente gas in solid (sublimation or brinazione) .
The B-17 of the second conflict could operate at full load and without pressurization, at high altitudes and temperatures so low? Apparently not.
" At the outbreak of World War II, the Douglas DB1 proved a little too powerful, while the 299 model was further developed and renamed YB17 much more powerful and could fly at a much larger share, but the American Army Air Corps had only 30. In 1941, 20 B-17 were shipped to Britain, but did not show great qualities: the first flight in the UK fell: in the first mission, it freezes the machine guns and bombs were dropped off target. To overcome these problems, the British increased the armor and weapons, reducing the operative height. The B-17 was used in all theaters of operations of the Second World War. The first transaction was in August 1942. It was later used primarily for precision daylight bombing [a share close to 4,000 meters - ed] up factories and refineries by the USAF, while the RAF was responsible for nocturnal .
To be always on the side of reason, the uninformed hours assert that the necessary moisture (and that clearly is not at high altitudes) is entirely produced by turbofan last generation. And 'possible? One of our friend and collaborator wanted to pursue the matter and is satisfied, through elaborate calculations, that the production of water vapor of a modern jet engine is totally insignificant and would have absolutely not allow the formation of condensation trails (of any kind) for the sole supply of moisture from the engine. The study will be published as soon as possible.
conclude with a necessary clarification.
The publication of this article has one intention: to prevent the gradual rewriting of history and the laws of physics. Prevent brainwashed by factions clearly interested in the truth sink and conceal what is happening with impunity in our skies devastated.
[1] A shares over 8,000 meters, or the commercial aircraft flight altitudes, the relative humidity is often close to 0%.