Monday, July 5, 2010

Game Shark Cheats Fire Red Pgsphone

The "Memphis Belle": another false

The workhorse of the army of disinformation in the wake of Paul Attivissimo and managed by CICAP and intelligence, is often represented by this piece movie . This is the documentary entitled: " The Memphis Belle: A Story of a Flying Fortress . The movie was in 1944. At the fifteenth minute that those are shown, a careful eye, appear to actually be condensation trails (contrails ) and in fact in the film are defined as such. Not surprisingly, the "historical record" shows a certain epoxynous , editor of the Web site of disinformation "", already known to have forged several jobs, including two texts dedicated to the phenomena elements.

We do not know if the documentary in question is handling well done, but if it is accepted that this is not a forgery, it becomes apparent an important detail: the "contrails" grow immediately next to the engine exhaust . It also does not seem to alcune scie vengano prodotte dagli scarichi dei motori a scoppio delle fortezze volanti, ma da altri apparati adiacenti (ugelli?).

Vediamo che cosa scrive Gianni Comoretto, famigerato negazionista delle scie chimiche e componente del C.I.C.A.P. (sono stati volutamente lasciati gli errori grammaticali):

[...] " Nel caso delle normali scie di condensa, cioè vapore degli scarichi che condensa in aghi di ghiaccio, la scia si forma sempre dietro al motore, ad una distanza che tipicamente è di alcune decine di metri (se fa MOLTO freddo può essere di 5-10 metri). Se invece si tratta di qualcosa of sprayed from a plane will depart from different points, (sic) and will immediately begin . "These allegations can not be questioned, since it comes from an illustrious exponent of CICAP to Bacchus!

addition to this we must highlight, once again, that the bombers of the Second World War, when fully loaded to accomplish their mission, were not able to operate at high altitudes and often did not exceed, in the operational flight, the 6,000 meters above sea level. We know now that contrails can not possibly occur at altitudes lower than 8,000 meters. So what we show this video? One of the first aerosol della storia? Forse, a meno che non siamo di fronte ad un ennesimo documento spurio ben congegnato.

Appare inoltre strana la dettagliata spiegazione tecnica del fenomeno inerente alla condensazione, quasi come fosse una diretta e consequenziale risposta ad obiezioni mosse solo sessant'anni dopo, in riferimento alla questione "scie chimiche". D'altronde il tema delle scie di condensa era considerato a tal punto irrilevante che il termine "contrail" fu coniato solo nel 1947.

Per concludere, solleviamo un altro dubbio...

Può apparire realistica e veritieria la temperatura dichiarata nel documentario dalla voce fuori campo, se, come si può ben notare, gli occupanti della fortezza volante non mostrano tracce of frost on his face, despite the presence of strong air currents from the outside? E 'then can the absence of pressurization at higher altitudes to 8000 meters? Obviously not. It 'clear that those shots were not performed at high altitude and then it is suspected that contrails shown in the video are not the product of condensation, but yet another manipulation.

In the movie below, always extract from "The Memphis Belle: A Story of a Flying Fortress", we can observe that many bombers make no contrail.

Being exposed to a wind of 60 km / h at a temperature of 5 ° Celsius is to be exposed to a temperature lower environmental
to over 10 ° Celsius below zero. This obviously is of great importance to the exposed parts of the body like the face.

prolonged exposure to cold can cause a state of hypothermia. There is talk of hypothermia when the body core temperature drops below 35 ° C. Symptoms become increasingly severe until the limits of survival for body temperatures of 27-24 ° C. The freezing occurs to the skin surface temperatures below -2 ° C. To freeze the exposed parts of the body is required
equivalent temperature of at least -30 ° C. The risk of freezing to the naked parts begins already at an ambient temperature of -5 ° C when exposed to a wind of 60 km / h or at -10 ° C with a wind of 30 km / h.

Based on these objective data and irrefutable, we can deduce that a crew subjected to temperatures near 40 degrees below zero, in the presence of strong drafts from the outside, caused by the movement of their aircraft (not pressurized) to over 300 km / h, obviously would have to freeze instantly.