From the beginning everything has been studied at the table (including story of climate change due to CO2) to cover the operations aersosol, born in the activities of HAARP and follow (second program) to manage and control the population (see The Air Force wants you LOV). As stated several times, the weather modification is a need, not the main objective . The latest polymer analysis of relapse we have received confirm that the polymers (not sure the cobwebs of Simone Angioni - CICAP) used as carriers for metal and smart nanostructures, are designed to be biocompatible as possible, so as to be absorbed (via air, food, water) from living beings (human subjects) without showing symptoms of rejection for excessive intake of foreign bodies (see Morgellons Disease ).
It seems evident that here we are dealing with a deliberate, wicked pollution completely insane, and for purposes that have nothing to do with protection from direct sunlight or similar amenities. Stories that even our great-grandfather would have been drinking. But ... speaking of grandparents, the Swiss Guard for excellence, the genius of the buffalo, the ineffable Paul Attivissimo , not yet satisfied with the miserable figures collected patched insulting posts about post devoted to chemtrails and oriented according to its objectives (and those who manage it), to close once and for all the game with the National Committee Tanker Enemy , asks for help from a distinguished and elderly man who, incidentally, seems to have a family relationship with a famous "debunker "That Richard Cassinis . The 'expert' whose turn is Dr. Robert Cassinis, professor, former professor of Geophysics, University degli Studi di Milano, Facoltà di Geologia. Pare che costui sia davvero poco super partes, in quanto, se svolgiamo una piccola ricerca, otteniamo questi risultati:
Prof. Roberto Cassinis , Direttore dell'Istituto di Geofisica della litosfera del C.N.R. - Milano, rappresentante C.N.R., Membro Comitato Scientifico OdisseoSpace - Le tecnologie satellitari al servizio dell’uomo - Geologia tecnica & ambientale - Journal of technical & environmental geology - Rivista trimestrale dell'Ordine Nazionale dei Geologi - Comitato scientifico: Roberto CASSINIS
Collaborations with the following entities:
of the Académie Nationale de l'Air et Espace - Toulouse
AIF - Association for the Teaching of Physics - Section of Milan
AIPAS - Italian Association SME Aerospace - Rome
Carlo Gavazzi Space - Italian Milan
ECSL National Points of Contact - CNR - Rome and Paris
ESA - Space Education Div - Paris
ICOS - Institute for Scientific Communication - Milan
LYCEUM - Cultural Association Training and Upgrade - Milan
Brera Astronomical Observatory - Milano
POLITECNICO DI MILANO – Cattedra di Logistica – Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale
Studio Legale Corabi - Milano
Université de Toulouse 1 – IEID – Institut d’Etudes Internationales et de Développement
VSSD - Virtual Space Sciences Department
Davvero disinteressata l'opinione di questo insigne luminare!
Ma ecco che cosa scrive Roberto Cassinis sul blog di Attivissimo dedicato alle scie chimiche - La bufala delle scie chimiche - Fatti e spiegazioni scientifiche del presunto (sic) complotto delle scie degli aeroplani
Roberto Cassinis :
" Legends and witchcraft spread easily in these environments as can be seen exploring the most modern and comprehensive means of information, the "network" computer. Many of the falsehood is gathered and disseminated to art, economic and moral damage to persons or organizations. Other (few) are made in good faith by gullible or ignorant. Some may remember the old Milanese still "the Paneroni" that in the postwar years he held rallies in Piazza del Duomo arguing that Galileo was wrong: it was the sun revolved around the Earth.
The stories in circulation are also fertile ground in a public "informed"; the cause is often the short memory of many, one wonders of facts and phenomena already known and explained by earlier generations, then, perhaps, forgotten by the same person who had lived by young people.
One of the many modern stories
For example, it was rumored that the white contrails (condensation trails) left by aircraft across the sky is not due to a natural phenomenon but the deliberate release of chemicals that have the purpose aims to dispel the clouds or "military" is not specified (eg. the spread of epidemics). These fantasies adding that this is a new phenomenon that began only a few years ago, certainly non prima della seconda metà del secolo scorso.
Effettivamente, di strisce bianche in cielo oggi se ne vedono molte di più di qualche anno fa per la semplice ragione che il traffico aereo è in continuo aumento ".
Quest'ultima affermazione non incanta più nessuno, poiché va in netto contrasto con i dati ufficiali:
"(WAPA) - Nel 2009, la crisi economica farà diminuire il traffico aereo in Europa del 5%. A dirlo è una previsione a breve termine di Eurocontrol, l'organizzazione europea per la sicurezza della navigazione aerea. Nei prossimi 12 mesi, un calo del numero dei voli sarà una costante per il vecchio continente, con Paesi come Francia, Italia, Spagna, Germania and Sweden, which will be particularly affected.
According to forecasts, the decline in traffic will affect all sectors. Even low-cost airlines are not immune from the crisis, given that in November 2008 recorded the first failure in 15 years and in February this year flew for 5% less than the same month of 2008 (calculated as if it was not a leap month). This decrease is even more business traffic, which dropped by 21%. The weakness of the transatlantic trade annulled the treaty benefits of Open Skies between the U.S. and the EU, signed last spring.
The economic crisis is affecting the traffic on three fronts: lower production and lower earnings mean less to transport goods and lower demand for air travel, and secondly, the difficulties of access to credit has impeded the restructuring and investment companies and contributed to their bankruptcy, and finally, the recent migration flows within Europe, which led to an increase in demand for air transport, now seem counter. "(Thanks to bedevan for the tip)
" The performances of the years 1943-44
The writer retains the memory indelible performances grandiose "enjoyed" free in the Mediterranean 65 or 66 years ago. The place of observation was a highly mobile platform, the surface of the sea and often sulky driven by short-wave crests with foaming .
[...]. Here we seem to read the romantic Massimo Santacroce . There are violins and then we are full.
There also seems to read the ravings of a member of the CICAP (Italian Committee for the Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal). One randomly? Steno Ferluga , for example, but even Paul himself or Attivissimo 'distinguished Paul Toselli would cast the same stereotyped way. And' the case of repeat that they are truly a paranormal phenomenon on which to study!
" And then, every now and then, another spectacle above us in heaven, countless bundles of white contrails that flew over us. The planes were produced that were barely visible in the large B17 (Flying Fortress) or B24 (Liberator) [...]
immediately evident a contradiction: according to the astronomer at Arcetri Comoretto Gianni, in fact, a plane is already distinguishable from 30,000 meters, but , according to Roberto Cassinis, exhumed relative of the already known disinformation Richard Cassinis (nonnob), an expert nanorobotics wireless, the B-17 were barely visible. Agree! The B-17 and B-24 aircraft that were slightly more than the 30-meter wingspan. They were then compared to a modern A320. It 's impossible to share such a high spot so if you already are "small" when flying below the piles, and then a much smaller share of the eight thousand. So, while George Comoretto flaunts the "S" on Superman's chest, Cassinis blatantly contradicts it.
The B-24 had a market share of tangency corresponding to 8,500 meters, while the B-17 maxes out at 10,900 feet above sea level. As already explained on other occasions, these Flying Fortresses were not able, fully loaded, to get a quote suitable for training of contrails, because the thin air and the loss of engine efficiency have greatly reduced the flight range, and then at least compromise the return to base.
The B-17 is the result of a specific request of 8 August 1935 from part of the 'American Army Air Corps for a bomber capable of reaching 400 km / h, with a range of 3,200 km and with a operational altitude of 3,000 meters .
Model 299 (Boeing B-29 Superfortress) further developed and renamed YB17 was much more powerful and could fly at a much larger share, but the 'American Army Air Corps had only thirty. was not fully operativo prima del 1945 . Nel 1941 20 B-17 furono spediti in Inghilterra ma non dimostrarono grandi doti: il primo in volo sull'Inghilterra precipitò, durante la prima missione, le mitragliatrici si ghiacciarono e le bombe furono sganciate fuori obiettivo.
Per ovviare a questi problemi gli inglesi aumentarono la corazza e l'armamento riducendo la quota operativa .
Viene da chiedersi, alla luce di questi dettagli, come il Cassinis sia stato in grado di veder volare dei B-17 o qualunque altro velivolo, oltre gli 8.000 metri.
A pagina undici di un vecchio testo "La fisica della particelle" di Kenneth W. Ford (versione originale 1965, quinta versione del 1980, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milan) it says: "When a jet goes high in the sky, is formed in its wake a cloud of ice crystals clearly visible, even if you can not see the device .
" We did a lot of questions about the nature of the trails: it seemed logical that the cruising altitude of the planes (8000-10000 m) could be the condensation of water vapor content in the exhaust gases of the engines (in this case it was piston engines, but the same phenomenon occurs for jet aircraft), the condensation is so great an extent as to that portion of the order of the outside temperature is - 40 ° C ". [...]
cruising altitude (altitude operations) and tangent altitude are not the same thing and, as we have seen, the share of operational B-17 was much lower than 8,000 meters!
Also note that the Cassinis hour is enough moisture produced by the engines, so that they form a trail of condensation and in the atmosphere, according to this "luminary" is not necessary to have relative humidities. Physics has changed!
" then I remember that the airplane cabins were not pressurized and that the crew wore heated suits with oxygen delivery .
The problem was not only the radius of action, but also the lack of pressurization. Moreover, the presence of drafts of icy air crew forced to dress in bulky winter clothes and heated suits! Even machine guns were likely to freeze. We hypothesize that the
Cassinis had twenty years time? Well, how could he be so well informed on certain technical issues? I had read on Wikipedia?
We must also highlight the sham operated dall'inclito geophysicist. He argues in his speech honey and misleading, which according to independent researchers (which he defined gullible and ignorant), before the mid-90s, contrails non esistevano. Veramente ripetiamo che sono le chemtrails ad essere manifestazione recente (salvo alcune eccezioni), mentre le scie di condensa sono, per quanto assai infrequenti, un fenomeno risalente alla prima metà degli anni '40. Non è un caso se il termine contrails fu coniato nel 1945 . Sarebbe dunque interessante capire come sia possibile che il Cassinis conoscesse così bene il fenomeno delle "condensation trails" già nel 1943, se la parola "contrail" fu coniata solo due anni dopo, ovvero nel 1945 (Vedi Etymonline sotto la voce inerente).
Vediamo ora cosa possiamo leggere su un testo cartaceo del 2006:
" L’immissione atmosphere in the exhaust of the air-rich nuclei and condensation of water vapor, leads to oversaturation of water vapor and, therefore, the formation of contrails. Contrails are formed at heights where the air temperature is very low (below -40 ° C), with relative humidity of 60%. Contrails can be more or less long-lasting, depending on the stability of the air and the amount of vapor present . "
[Jerome Sansosti & Alfio Giuffrida - Manual of Meteorology, A guide to understanding the weather and climate
in conjunction with the UAI (Union of Amateur Astronomers Italian) - Publisher Gremese - 2006 - P. 86] The
Cassinis forget, incidentally, the humidity factor, wanting to believe that it is required to make the moisture produced by the engine exhaust gas that formed the contrails and do not forget that at high altitudes' s relative humidity is close to zero percent. Who is the crook?
" My testimony seems to" cut off the head of the bull. "Contrails are the planes have since risen to about 8000 m. But I am old and now witnesses of the" contrail "then it remained well few. And then the witness is not enough to convince the gullible. I can remember that, according to many ladies belonging the good society, the magic of Vanna Marchi bags of gold worth? .
Cassinis Doctor, do not you think that his improvident intervention has exacerbated the mess already created by his collaborators? We see very wretched for the uninformed.
It seems evident that here we are dealing with a deliberate, wicked pollution completely insane, and for purposes that have nothing to do with protection from direct sunlight or similar amenities. Stories that even our great-grandfather would have been drinking. But ... speaking of grandparents, the Swiss Guard for excellence, the genius of the buffalo, the ineffable Paul Attivissimo , not yet satisfied with the miserable figures collected patched insulting posts about post devoted to chemtrails and oriented according to its objectives (and those who manage it), to close once and for all the game with the National Committee Tanker Enemy , asks for help from a distinguished and elderly man who, incidentally, seems to have a family relationship with a famous "debunker "That Richard Cassinis . The 'expert' whose turn is Dr. Robert Cassinis, professor, former professor of Geophysics, University degli Studi di Milano, Facoltà di Geologia. Pare che costui sia davvero poco super partes, in quanto, se svolgiamo una piccola ricerca, otteniamo questi risultati:
Prof. Roberto Cassinis , Direttore dell'Istituto di Geofisica della litosfera del C.N.R. - Milano, rappresentante C.N.R., Membro Comitato Scientifico OdisseoSpace - Le tecnologie satellitari al servizio dell’uomo - Geologia tecnica & ambientale - Journal of technical & environmental geology - Rivista trimestrale dell'Ordine Nazionale dei Geologi - Comitato scientifico: Roberto CASSINIS
Collaborations with the following entities:
of the Académie Nationale de l'Air et Espace - Toulouse
AIF - Association for the Teaching of Physics - Section of Milan
AIPAS - Italian Association SME Aerospace - Rome
Carlo Gavazzi Space - Italian Milan
ECSL National Points of Contact - CNR - Rome and Paris
ESA - Space Education Div - Paris
ICOS - Institute for Scientific Communication - Milan
LYCEUM - Cultural Association Training and Upgrade - Milan
Brera Astronomical Observatory - Milano
POLITECNICO DI MILANO – Cattedra di Logistica – Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale
Studio Legale Corabi - Milano
Université de Toulouse 1 – IEID – Institut d’Etudes Internationales et de Développement
VSSD - Virtual Space Sciences Department
Davvero disinteressata l'opinione di questo insigne luminare!
Ma ecco che cosa scrive Roberto Cassinis sul blog di Attivissimo dedicato alle scie chimiche - La bufala delle scie chimiche - Fatti e spiegazioni scientifiche del presunto (sic) complotto delle scie degli aeroplani
Roberto Cassinis :
" Legends and witchcraft spread easily in these environments as can be seen exploring the most modern and comprehensive means of information, the "network" computer. Many of the falsehood is gathered and disseminated to art, economic and moral damage to persons or organizations. Other (few) are made in good faith by gullible or ignorant. Some may remember the old Milanese still "the Paneroni" that in the postwar years he held rallies in Piazza del Duomo arguing that Galileo was wrong: it was the sun revolved around the Earth.
The stories in circulation are also fertile ground in a public "informed"; the cause is often the short memory of many, one wonders of facts and phenomena already known and explained by earlier generations, then, perhaps, forgotten by the same person who had lived by young people.
One of the many modern stories
For example, it was rumored that the white contrails (condensation trails) left by aircraft across the sky is not due to a natural phenomenon but the deliberate release of chemicals that have the purpose aims to dispel the clouds or "military" is not specified (eg. the spread of epidemics). These fantasies adding that this is a new phenomenon that began only a few years ago, certainly non prima della seconda metà del secolo scorso.
Effettivamente, di strisce bianche in cielo oggi se ne vedono molte di più di qualche anno fa per la semplice ragione che il traffico aereo è in continuo aumento ".
Quest'ultima affermazione non incanta più nessuno, poiché va in netto contrasto con i dati ufficiali:
"(WAPA) - Nel 2009, la crisi economica farà diminuire il traffico aereo in Europa del 5%. A dirlo è una previsione a breve termine di Eurocontrol, l'organizzazione europea per la sicurezza della navigazione aerea. Nei prossimi 12 mesi, un calo del numero dei voli sarà una costante per il vecchio continente, con Paesi come Francia, Italia, Spagna, Germania and Sweden, which will be particularly affected.
According to forecasts, the decline in traffic will affect all sectors. Even low-cost airlines are not immune from the crisis, given that in November 2008 recorded the first failure in 15 years and in February this year flew for 5% less than the same month of 2008 (calculated as if it was not a leap month). This decrease is even more business traffic, which dropped by 21%. The weakness of the transatlantic trade annulled the treaty benefits of Open Skies between the U.S. and the EU, signed last spring.
The economic crisis is affecting the traffic on three fronts: lower production and lower earnings mean less to transport goods and lower demand for air travel, and secondly, the difficulties of access to credit has impeded the restructuring and investment companies and contributed to their bankruptcy, and finally, the recent migration flows within Europe, which led to an increase in demand for air transport, now seem counter. "(Thanks to bedevan for the tip)
" The performances of the years 1943-44
The writer retains the memory indelible performances grandiose "enjoyed" free in the Mediterranean 65 or 66 years ago. The place of observation was a highly mobile platform, the surface of the sea and often sulky driven by short-wave crests with foaming .
[...]. Here we seem to read the romantic Massimo Santacroce . There are violins and then we are full.
There also seems to read the ravings of a member of the CICAP (Italian Committee for the Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal). One randomly? Steno Ferluga , for example, but even Paul himself or Attivissimo 'distinguished Paul Toselli would cast the same stereotyped way. And' the case of repeat that they are truly a paranormal phenomenon on which to study!
" And then, every now and then, another spectacle above us in heaven, countless bundles of white contrails that flew over us. The planes were produced that were barely visible in the large B17 (Flying Fortress) or B24 (Liberator) [...]
immediately evident a contradiction: according to the astronomer at Arcetri Comoretto Gianni, in fact, a plane is already distinguishable from 30,000 meters, but , according to Roberto Cassinis, exhumed relative of the already known disinformation Richard Cassinis (nonnob), an expert nanorobotics wireless, the B-17 were barely visible. Agree! The B-17 and B-24 aircraft that were slightly more than the 30-meter wingspan. They were then compared to a modern A320. It 's impossible to share such a high spot so if you already are "small" when flying below the piles, and then a much smaller share of the eight thousand. So, while George Comoretto flaunts the "S" on Superman's chest, Cassinis blatantly contradicts it.
The B-24 had a market share of tangency corresponding to 8,500 meters, while the B-17 maxes out at 10,900 feet above sea level. As already explained on other occasions, these Flying Fortresses were not able, fully loaded, to get a quote suitable for training of contrails, because the thin air and the loss of engine efficiency have greatly reduced the flight range, and then at least compromise the return to base.
The B-17 is the result of a specific request of 8 August 1935 from part of the 'American Army Air Corps for a bomber capable of reaching 400 km / h, with a range of 3,200 km and with a operational altitude of 3,000 meters .
Model 299 (Boeing B-29 Superfortress) further developed and renamed YB17 was much more powerful and could fly at a much larger share, but the 'American Army Air Corps had only thirty. was not fully operativo prima del 1945 . Nel 1941 20 B-17 furono spediti in Inghilterra ma non dimostrarono grandi doti: il primo in volo sull'Inghilterra precipitò, durante la prima missione, le mitragliatrici si ghiacciarono e le bombe furono sganciate fuori obiettivo.
Per ovviare a questi problemi gli inglesi aumentarono la corazza e l'armamento riducendo la quota operativa .
Viene da chiedersi, alla luce di questi dettagli, come il Cassinis sia stato in grado di veder volare dei B-17 o qualunque altro velivolo, oltre gli 8.000 metri.
A pagina undici di un vecchio testo "La fisica della particelle" di Kenneth W. Ford (versione originale 1965, quinta versione del 1980, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milan) it says: "When a jet goes high in the sky, is formed in its wake a cloud of ice crystals clearly visible, even if you can not see the device .
" We did a lot of questions about the nature of the trails: it seemed logical that the cruising altitude of the planes (8000-10000 m) could be the condensation of water vapor content in the exhaust gases of the engines (in this case it was piston engines, but the same phenomenon occurs for jet aircraft), the condensation is so great an extent as to that portion of the order of the outside temperature is - 40 ° C ". [...]
cruising altitude (altitude operations) and tangent altitude are not the same thing and, as we have seen, the share of operational B-17 was much lower than 8,000 meters!
Also note that the Cassinis hour is enough moisture produced by the engines, so that they form a trail of condensation and in the atmosphere, according to this "luminary" is not necessary to have relative humidities. Physics has changed!
" then I remember that the airplane cabins were not pressurized and that the crew wore heated suits with oxygen delivery .
The problem was not only the radius of action, but also the lack of pressurization. Moreover, the presence of drafts of icy air crew forced to dress in bulky winter clothes and heated suits! Even machine guns were likely to freeze. We hypothesize that the
Cassinis had twenty years time? Well, how could he be so well informed on certain technical issues? I had read on Wikipedia?
We must also highlight the sham operated dall'inclito geophysicist. He argues in his speech honey and misleading, which according to independent researchers (which he defined gullible and ignorant), before the mid-90s, contrails non esistevano. Veramente ripetiamo che sono le chemtrails ad essere manifestazione recente (salvo alcune eccezioni), mentre le scie di condensa sono, per quanto assai infrequenti, un fenomeno risalente alla prima metà degli anni '40. Non è un caso se il termine contrails fu coniato nel 1945 . Sarebbe dunque interessante capire come sia possibile che il Cassinis conoscesse così bene il fenomeno delle "condensation trails" già nel 1943, se la parola "contrail" fu coniata solo due anni dopo, ovvero nel 1945 (Vedi Etymonline sotto la voce inerente).
Vediamo ora cosa possiamo leggere su un testo cartaceo del 2006:
" L’immissione atmosphere in the exhaust of the air-rich nuclei and condensation of water vapor, leads to oversaturation of water vapor and, therefore, the formation of contrails. Contrails are formed at heights where the air temperature is very low (below -40 ° C), with relative humidity of 60%. Contrails can be more or less long-lasting, depending on the stability of the air and the amount of vapor present . "
[Jerome Sansosti & Alfio Giuffrida - Manual of Meteorology, A guide to understanding the weather and climate
in conjunction with the UAI (Union of Amateur Astronomers Italian) - Publisher Gremese - 2006 - P. 86] The
Cassinis forget, incidentally, the humidity factor, wanting to believe that it is required to make the moisture produced by the engine exhaust gas that formed the contrails and do not forget that at high altitudes' s relative humidity is close to zero percent. Who is the crook?
" My testimony seems to" cut off the head of the bull. "Contrails are the planes have since risen to about 8000 m. But I am old and now witnesses of the" contrail "then it remained well few. And then the witness is not enough to convince the gullible. I can remember that, according to many ladies belonging the good society, the magic of Vanna Marchi bags of gold worth? .
Cassinis Doctor, do not you think that his improvident intervention has exacerbated the mess already created by his collaborators? We see very wretched for the uninformed.
Richard Cassinis to his father :
"Father, you see if you can put a patch. He told me rat (Paul Attivissimo to his friends) that we need an authoritative voice, because we are gasping. The insults, threats, discredited, have not had any effect. Straker does not want to retire! Put you a patch. Invented something. Writing that contrails (condensation eh!) You still remember them from when you took the milk from her grandmother Maria. He told me that rat gives carte blanche, as long as you put a patch, which threatens to sink the boat here and the military are breaking the c. .. they want results, that this break ... Straker's really tired.
So, Dad, are you? "And
father Roberto, including an expletive and the other (he wanted to enjoy the super-retirement in peace), and so accepts, with assistance from a couple of his former students (and the Fioba hanmi), wrote a couple of bales of poetry peppered a man lived, wise and old. Et Volia, the article by Paul Attivissimo is ready. Brindisi with champagne and group dinner to celebrate the happy event.