The article in question is called "The Mystery of the wake " is written by Peter Pallini - Pilot intercontinental flights - under the heading "AltaQuota" and will be published on the 17th of this month. The tissue
written Pallini is part of a diabolical plan that is designed to bend and change the laws of physics for the consumption of disinformation. Let us remember the 1984 novel in which the protagonist, Winston Smith, scrupulously fulfill the task to change the documents of the past in order to censor the truth and with the aim of adapting the story to the false and chameleon ideology of Big Brother.
Well, these little men act the same way: first invented the canard of persistent contrails (a non-physical sense, even the temperature of the atmosphere was that of Pluto), a real sham designed by NASA, then they started , a bit 'at a time, touching the parameters altitude, the temperature and humidity, to ensure that the contrails are formed to our latitudes. From an altitude of 8,000 meters (literally and we care if we refer to this low altitude), the bugiardoni fell in 7000-6000, to fall (it must be said) to 5,000 meters, as in the case of Pallini. About humidity relativa, i vari "esperti" restano nell'ambito di un'insopportabile genericità, accennando a valori alti o idonei. Le temperature, infine, sono passate dai 41-42 gradi sotto zero circa, ai -36 , quindi -30 per salire ai -25 del nostro brillante autore. Egli poi, non potendo del tutto, almeno per ora, stravolgere la scienza, ammette che in inverno le scie di condensa si formano a -40, ma, prodigi del cielo, nella stagione fredda, tendono a permanere e ad espandersi, creando "suggestivi" reticoli.
Da tutto questo scalcinato, infantile discorso, si evince che, se queste stramberie corrispondessero a verità, l'acqua posta sul fuoco potrebbe bollire a 40 gradi Celsius above zero, while the water evaporated from the pot would create sustainable trails designed to stretch to tens of meters in the rooms of a house.
How is it possible that a trail of needles of ice, rather than melt, and then multiply to create huge wakes that extend indefinitely? The truth is different: they are not needles of ice or water vapor, but the elements and chemical compounds and biological agents.
Pallini, we want to stop telling nonsense? We want to stop to invoke the usual pseudo-argument of the increase in air traffic? The increase is limited to five per cent, but in no way and for any reason can explain the infinite number of wakes, persistent and ephemeral, which disfigure the sky outside the official corridors. In addition, the trickster contradicts himself, remembering that cross international flights at high altitudes.
The comedian is not satisfied with these amenities, culminating in a pathetic story, recalling that one of the planes immortalized on a site about chemtrails was his ... What a coincidence! A 747, which is cruising altitude of 13,000 feet, is, according to him, visible in detail from the ground. Reading the caption of the photo, date, time and place, he has acknowledged his contraption with wings, while trulla loudly, producing a contrail. It was just him "the villain responsible for the wake. "Head of the wake? may be, but also of yet, ridiculous, blatant lie.
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