Report, CICAP and misinformation institutionalized
What distinguishes man from man? We put this question to the journalist RAI, Milena Gabanelli, conductor of the transmission Report . Many of you are already aware of the alarming drift of "journalism" Italian, has long been dominated by big powers. We had the last shocking example of this decline with the onset of the leaders of surreptitious CICAP, Italian Committee that coordinates the uninformed, out of the Network on the Web and the leading member of this association by doubts purposes is the self-described journalist Paul Attivissimo , Swiss identity card always on display when we are denying uncomfortable truths to the regime.
Thus, in an episode of "Report" here is that the ' armed brancatopone full reveals the mystery: chemtrails do not exist, Caronia all fires are the work of arsonists, etc..
Obviously it is not acceptable by RAI, which claims to be "public service", like characters that can be accommodated, as is known, are the face presentable (so to speak) behind which to hide and leave protected by the judiciary, elements such as Fulvio Turvani or Massimo Vernatsch . Yet the pseudo-journalist assault, which in truth is not likely ever nothing, since any legal liability are becoming the posted freelance that realize the services, then had the audacity to seek a justification for having hosted the CICAP in its transmission.
pity that she has given voice to people like Paul and luster Attivissimo, who, on his blog " " as well as touch the lowest level of his career misinformation, thanks, in depth article, her boyfriend Maxine Slave (the Fioba), by linking this delusional post , which is published a false identity document with my picture and my signature below.
Attivissimo Paul, now says expert spin doctors (because they can not più negare la quota cumulo degli aerei chimici), che le scie di condensa si possono formare anche al livello del suolo. Egli infatti scrive:
" Secondo i sostenitori dell'esistenza delle 'scie chimiche' vi sarebbero dei limiti di quota sotto i quali le scie di condensazione non possono formarsi e pertanto qualunque scia emessa da un velivolo al di sotto di tale quota sarebbe anomala e dunque "chimica".
I fatti smentiscono quest'affermazione. Una scia di condensazione si forma se si verificano le opportune condizioni di temperatura, pressione e umidità relativa (preesistente o generata dallo scarico dei motori). La quota non è un parametro: semplicemente, those conditions suitable for the formation of contrails usually occur above a certain altitude. But nothing stops occur at low altitude or at ground level.
The photograph below is the most eloquent demonstration of this fact. It was taken November 24, 2009 at Bodaybo, Russia, and portrays a turboprop Antonov An-24RV, brands RA-46625, which takes off with a ground temperature of -43 ° C to generate contrails at ground level. The original and the details are available on .
Now, regardless of whether has acquired a site for some time (its creator is died in unclear circumstances about a year ago) and therefore can publish any photos of the odd argument in favor of contrails, it is clear that the portrait this picture is the smoke produced by combustion, so much so that visibly blue! Or would like us to believe that the condensation takes such a color? In addition, the exif data photo published on the website cited above show that the image file has been modified from it and have removed all references to the camera with which the snapshot was taken. The suspects are therefore lawful.
What we find on NASA GLOBE?
" Contrails are clouds in the form of lines that are produced by emissions from aircraft jet engines. This process of condensation typically occurs at altitudes of 8-12 km above the Earth's surface ."
short, as they are collected conclusive data demonstrating the low altitude flight of the tankers, the "experts" presented by Gabanelli as top-level scientists, change the laws of physics as they please, never mind the dozens of texts and manuals on the subject and taking the piss the unlucky players who have the misfortune to land on those pages.
active and others are living and therefore not a shame We can only congratulate Milena Gabanelli who obviously feels at home along with charlatans of science, the real one, and rape are everyday litter.
Probably this is tedious, Milena us with the familiar refrain of Simone Angioni "In the sense that ..."? A star with the lame, you learn to limp.
Gabanelli for the future, follow a dispassionate advice, choose your best friends. Is not the best for his reputation, professional support defamatory such as, for example, Maxine Slave. He has seen the level of this man? Then do not complain if there's rolls and rolls of toilet paper. Each of us collects what he sows.
UPDATE : analyzing in depth the photos shown by Massimo disinformation and slave revived by Paul Attivissimo, it is the result of manipulation in a graphics program. Traces of blue pixels are present on the roofs of houses, trees and weeds, which are supposed to use a particular filter, used to accentuate the texture of the smoke.
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