Monday, March 29, 2010

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The defeat of the Clones

« La verità passa per tre gradini: viene ridicolizzata, viene contrastata, viene accettata come ovvia .» (A. Schopenauer)

Questo articolo vuole costituire un elogio alle autorità preposte al rispetto delle leggi. E' grazie al loro sprezzo del pericolo ed alla loro solerzia, se oggi possiamo godere di quotidiani spettacoli coreografici nei nostri cieli. Panorami chimici come quello nella foto di introduzione vengono quotidianamente disegnati da impeccabili piloti militari e civili. E' grazie al complete paralysis of the judiciary if, on the Web and for several years, we can read threats, defamation, slander and insults. We have to thank once again the courts whether, despite the complaints lodged, the guardians of the system raise the shot with virtuosity as follows:

" Hello, I just want to see the brands admit they are thieves tells lies. .. I bad but I would not mind even seeing them beaten to a pulp ... you who are more informed than me know if sciachimisti are increasing? Or someone has started to wake up and are falling hello ???... [wasp], to death banferenemy! . We

a thousand times to be grateful to the magistrates who, with great professional care, dealing with phone calls to the director of Premier TG1, while completely ignoring crimes such as incitement to commit a crime, the insults, slander, the publication of data personal identity of the replacement , defamation etc.

We thank the judges and the police who investigate citizens who report misdeeds by institutions such as the clandestine operations of aerosols, while protect individuals regularly reported, which become increasingly reckless and arrogant, superando anche il limite del buon gusto. Certo, questo atteggiamento indica che costoro hanno raschiato il fondo del barile, per cui, non avendo argomentazioni, puntano sul personale, mirando alla delegittimazione di quello che loro ritengono un avversario, un nemico da abbattere. Fa specie che questi imbecilli siano in gran parte piloti, geologi, ingegneri aeronautici, consulenti ambientali...

Che dire del geologo-vulcanologo Massimo Della Schiava ? Egli, dopo un inizio glorioso all'epoca di una nostra conferenza in Toscana, si esibisce in una sequela di insulti, introdotti da un falso documento di identità che rappresenterebbe chi scrive secondo il suo perverso e distorto modo di vedere.

Although this deranged person and his deeds have not only been reported to the Judiciary, but also to ' Order of Geologists of Tuscany , that material is still in place and indeed it has been played on other fakeblog . For much less, the most zealous police post, on behalf of the magistrate, would surely have acted, but in this case as in others, do not move a finger. Why? There are conspiracies? Someone proves that it is not.

In fact, these actions broken down, as well as demonstrate the lack of arguments and the complete idiocy of certain scoundrels, actually represent a autogoal , perché chi legge non è stupido ed è in grado di valutare i fatti nel loro insieme, per cui il fakeblog di Massimo Della Schiava, come anche quelli dei suoi circa quaranta compagni di merende coordinati dal funesto C.I.C.A.P. , risulta essere la massima espressione del fallimento su tutti i fronti. E' un fallimento come uomini, ma anche un fallimento come "scienziati". Il vero scienziato non insulta, ma espone pacatamente le sue ipotesi con idonee argomentazioni.

L'acqua di questi signori è alla gola. Esemplare nonché patetico è lo sbracciarsi frenetico di tale Wasp , al secolo Enrico Nigrelli . Colui, noticeably affected by blindness Homeric, on sponsor Google Ad-Sense his blog cloaca with the following text: "Chemtrails a sanremo? Straker falsifies the truth is that the sky is blue sanremo .

What he has interests to protect? It is perhaps no coincidence that his LIBRACCIO, " Polver Stel ," was sponsored by the City of Sanremo ? Administrators should give their August matuziani legal persons who know the basics of Italian. Regardless of the syntax

ramshackle, the content of the sponsor Ad-Sense è oltremodo un inutile e disperato tentativo di dimostrare l'indimostrabile, visto che a Sanremo come in moltissime altre città, basta uno sguardo al cielo per comprendere chi è che mente e chi dice la verità. Eppure è necessario sponsorizzare il proprio blog, coacervo di insulti, se si è convinti che è la ragione a trionfare? E' necessario, signor Enrico Nigrelli? Per quale motivo Lei, esimio Nigrelli, ed i suoi degni sodali Massimo Della Schiava, Michele Galloni, Paolo Attivissimo, Pier Luigi Torreggiani, Marco Capuzzo, Gianni Comoretto, Alessandro Falcone e tutti gli altri accoliti del C.I.C.A.P., avete bisogno di pubblicizzare le vostre gesta? Per quale motivo, se avete ragione, cercate tutti i modi per narrow spaces television with the face of presentable Bamboccio (eternal student) Simone Angioni , awkwardly trying to disprove an undeniable objective reality and not rebuttable?

Well, gentlemen, you've lost three times. Once, because we breathe the air we breathe, the second time because you failed to make you hate the people who have had the misfortune to observe how you act and the third time since, despite the judiciary is protecting you, remember that it is necessarily in this world you pay for your infamy and turpitude. Who knows, you find yourself together to hell with those who will now cover the shoulders. Impunity is not eternal and that now the money earned, there will be dead.

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Monday, March 22, 2010

What Episodes Are Towelie In

The LOFAR project, the CICAP and transhumanism

One of our friendly reader has conducted some research on the links between the "chemtrails" and numerous other projects related to transhumanism, a movement whose goals are foreshadowed in "Zeitgeist" and "Zeitgeist Addendum" documentary directed by Peter Joseph. We use mainly of his inquiries for this article.

should, first, unmasking an treacherous and dangerous: "Zeitgeist", and passed off mainly digested by naive consumers and omnivores as a documentary denouncing the distortions of the political and financial, however, is a Trojan horse dell'esecrando system. It 's a ram used to open a breach in the fortress of the researchers and the public in any position, many of which assume, along with the ambrosia (the correct and more than acceptable, but instrumental condemnation of abuses and frauds perpetrated by the banks), the poison, or the "Venus Project". This project consists of, except a few tweaks to do, nor more nor less than a New World Order type of hyper, linguistic and iconographic formulas presented with eye-catching.

Note that the system tends to perpetuate itself through its negation is, after all, mutatis mutandis , so that the application of the Hegelian dialectic synthesis (negation of negation) is the revival of the thesis to another level.

We omit this analysis, however, and focus on transhumanism that longs for a society where technology is so widely to transform human beings into cyborgs : hypercontrol is a company organized and efficiently, the efficiency with productivity. The transhumanist dream of a world in which the boundary between inorganic and organic is almost imperceptible: For them, technology should not overwhelm nature, but it crept in, little by little, leading to a radical and irreversible change. The planet that is seen as a body engineer. Transhumanists are therefore not only the heirs of the tradition that includes scientist Francis Bacon in one of its initiators, since, unlike Bacon, they do not seek to rule the environment through technology, but a transformation of the world, in a megalomania. Nature, unnatural and perverse, it becomes, in their plans, a hybrid of biotechnology with the aim to enhance human mental and sensory abilities, using nano-systems . Their intent (stated) is to eradicate diseases, using invasive and indiscriminate use of technological tools, such as introducing nanostructures in blood vessels. Another goal is to achieve a remarkable longevity that would be afforded by drugs, transplantation of artificial organs, prostheses, etc.. The goal is not stated is to create bionic unit controlled by a central computer unit similar to many computers operated by a single server.

The LOFAR project, involving the notorious CICAP, uses a network of radio telescopes to search and observations in astronomy, geophysics (the study of earthquakes) of atmospheric physics ( geoengineering), but also in agriculture. With regard to the cultivation techniques the interest is focused on microsensors, the so-called dust "intelligent." LOFAR has a home in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, as it happens in Chilbolton. Coryphaei of these initiatives are, among others, Dr. Percival (formerly DERA) and Professor Nichol that, on the website of the British LOFAR, freely admits interest in aliens. They are both teachers dell''Università of Portsmouth. Bridgehead to Italy and trait d'union between our country and Albion is Raccanelli Alvise, who was also the ordinary this university and member (with official roles) and the association is CICAP transhumanist.

Mikio Kachu Japanese scientist has expressed interest related alll'ideologia of transhumanism.

Recently some researchers have identified the link between transhumanism and environments of high intelligence and extreme right: the founder of the movement in the United Kingdom, who teaches at Oxford, admits to having worked for the CIA

Other connections with the transhumanist movement are represented by the aforementioned Alvise Raccanelli, an astrophysicist, and Philip Miatto, quantum physics are both members of CICAP

A discussion of transhumanism and its theoretical tenets can be read on this site . We recognize in all the author's conclusions, but analysis is remarkable.