Saturday, February 20, 2010

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The Mists dealt for chemical smog from traffic

On February 18, 2010 the newspaper "La Stampa ", but also over the national news, is shown in the map given below.

E 'has been extrapolated as necessary to highlight a scanning satellite, much less any one of these last few weeks! The map shows the presence of a rather chemical fog, composed of pollutants based on sulfur dioxide (known for a compound to be the "greenhouse effect" tens of times higher than CO2), dispersed intentionally by means of military and civilian aircraft. E 'in place and then a campaign of deception that has the full support of media and our politicians, who will be using this lie to increase the load of heavy taxes on motorists.

Here is the map [LINK ] of February 18, 2010, very similar to those of the past few days because of cloud cover. It 'clear as you intended to sell the very well known chemical fog, aerosol-induced air for man-made smog. To achieve this, the average regime deliberately performed an image Satellite suited to the task and that a fundamental aspect, does not refer to recent days. And 'evident bad faith in this criminal operation of media deception.

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

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You exit from the crisis. Or not?

Ci sono delle locomotive che stanno trainando il treno della finanza a gran velocita', ma sono locomotive logisticamente lontane dall'Europa. Cina, India e Brasile, prima di tutto.
In altre parti del mondo, tutto sommato ci sono ancora situazioni di estrema fragilita', basti guardare la Grecia degli ultimi giorni. La situazione di alcune banche non e' completamente risolta.
La disoccupazione in Italia per quest'anno sara' il vero, grande problema per il 2010. I segnali di ripresa ci saranno, anche in italia, ma non avranno impatto sul lavoro. occorrera' ristrutturare molte aziende e la politica del lavoro e produttiva per auspicare una risalita almeno per il 2012.

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2010 Which year? Economic impact

Ci sono gia' indicazioni precise di cosa ci riserva questo 2010 almeno dal punto di vista economico?
Alcune. Sicuramente ci sono scadenze ben precise. La riforma che forse occorre di piu' in Italia riguarda la materia fiscale, ma non e' in agenda.
Sara 'a very challenging year financially, but largely occupied by such failure and procedural reform of the rites, the Parliament must' get time to work on interim measures, the youth, energy, home.
March, will surely 'a crucial touchstone.

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The president of the province of Stefania Pezzopane says the laughter of the night of the earthquake who have glimpsed the gains of reconstruction. Interviewed about the scandal and waste of many millions of euro, and the problems that are investing in the Civil Defense. The
Pezzopane says indignantly. We are now
risacoltando interceptions to assess quale possa essere l'impatto economico.

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Money wasted

Molte delle decine di milioni di euro sprecati per costruire opere fantasma in Sardegna, sono stati purtroppo prelevati dal fondo per le zone disagiate della Sardegna.
Ora quelle zone, con la chiusura di Alcoa si trovano in una situazione ancora piu' grave economicamente, purtroppo.
E non si annunciano nuove assunzioni.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

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Investigated Marcegaglia

Steno Marcegaglia, il padre della Presidente di Confindustria e' indagato per traffico illecito di rifiuti.
Una delle attivita' illegali attorno alla quale girano quantita' immense di danaro.
Il Sig. Marcegaglia si dice sicuro che il suo comportamento will be 'found correct by the magistrates.
remember that the same Marcegaglia and his group had already 'bargained two convictions for corruption and bankruptcy in 2008, compared to plea bargain had to pay over € 5 million.

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Giu 'prices in Germany and

Falling inflation in Germany. The index of German consumer prices in the country, recorded in January, a decline of 0.6% over the previous month.
On an annual basis the variation was rather good for a 0.8%

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UBS' more 'in person

UBS: back to the black in fourth quarter net profit than expected
The Swiss bank, UBS, is back in black due to the recovery of investment bank.
In the fourth quarter, net income amounted to 1.21 billion Swiss francs. The figure compares with a loss of 9.56 billion Swiss francs reported in the same period a year ago. The result was largely beyond the expectations of analysts

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Performance Bags

With a flick of the tail end in the Dow can close above 10 at the eighth thousand, despite the uncertainty hanging over the current economic situation.
voltages coming from Europe, and that cast a shadow on the 2010 sovereign debt, but also by the United States, seriously concerned about the trend of mercato del lavoro, con il tasso di disoccupazione al 9,7% e le buste paga che a gennaio hanno registrato un saldo negativo di 20 mila unità.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

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Green Door

Venezia e La Spezia diventeranno ''porti verdi'': saranno i primi in Italia, con Civitavecchia, ad applicare in ambito portuale tutte le migliori tecnologie disponibili in campo e nergetico.
Obiettivo, ridurre le emissioni, mentre si approvvigionano di energia le grandi navi da crociera.
Civitavecchia sara' la prima banchina elettrificata di tutto il mediterraneo.

Monday, February 1, 2010

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Italy and the nuclear suspension

Sopra i $55 al barile dicono convenga l'energia nucleare, al quale prezzo vanno aggiunti i prezzi ed The costs of manufacturing plants for those who still did not, more 'manteniamneto and landfill waste.
the Sicilian Regional Assembly unanimously approved an order of the day, by some members of the Democratic Party, which commits the government of Raffaele Lombardo to counter any possibility of nuclear installations on the island. The measure was voted on by all the parliamentary majority and opposition.

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The moratorium should be of interest to say about 110-130 thousand families and the total value of the transaction would amount to 8 billion.
banks have so far 93 members, representing more 'than 70% of Italian ATM. To apply there 'until 31 January 2011.
The terms and conditions are easily found online or can be obtained by going to all the branches of participating banks.

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What size

To exit from the crisis even the American government must practice cuts.
cuts but 'have not been applied in education, only exception being the foreign language teachers have been cut. But they were encouraged funds to public education, especially university courses. Families with income of less than 30,000 / 40,000 of annual income are the universities' paid tot.
space programs have been cut. In particular the mission to the moon che tanta popolarita' aveva sollevato sembra per il momento rimandata in favore di incentivi all'impresa e sostegno alle famiglie.
E i repubblicani protestano. La missione lunare era vista come ubo status symbol indispensabile.